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De beste bandenspanningsmeters om je banden tevreden te houden

Elke autobezitter zou een van de beste bandenspanningsmeters in zijn gereedschapskist moeten opnemen. Door uw banden goed opgepompt te houden, zorgt u ervoor dat ze gelijkmatig slijten en dat u het best mogelijke benzineverbruik krijgt. Het is een kleine investering die ervoor zorgt dat u uw dure banden niet te snel hoeft te vervangen en geld bespaart bij elke tankbeurt.

Volgens het Amerikaanse bureau voor milieubescherming is de gemiddelde band 1,8 PSI te laag opgepompt (1,1 PSI voor en 2,8 PSI achter), en voor elke pond te lage druk verliest u 0,4% aan brandstofverbruik, of gemiddeld 0,7% . Klinkt niet als veel? Dat is alsof je 3¢ meer betaalt per gallon, 30¢ meer voor een tankbeurt van 10 gallon... of $168 per jaar voor de gemiddelde bestuurder. Dat maakt het uitgeven van 20 dollar aan de beste bandenspanningsmeter die je kunt krijgen (en een geweldige pomp) een stuk gemakkelijker, vooral als je hem maar één keer hoeft te kopen.

Je kunt met het oog geen band zien die een paar kilo laag is, omdat radiaalbanden er pas laag uit gaan zien als ze ongeveer 5 PSI in de lucht zijn, wat teruggaat naar onze cijfers hierboven begint echt te worden deuk in je portemonnee. En als je het nog niet gemerkt hebt, stijgen niet alleen de benzineprijzen, maar ook de bandenprijzen, en een lage bandenspanning zorgt ervoor dat ze sneller verslijten. De kans op een lekke band en een lekke band is nog groter.

De juiste bandenspanningsmeter voor u kiezen

Bandenspanningsmeters zijn verkrijgbaar in potlood, analoog (wijzer) en digitaal, en ze hebben allemaal voor- en nadelen. Een kwaliteitsmeter in potloodstijl kost niet veel en gaat tientallen jaren mee, maar ze zijn moeilijker te lezen en niet de meest nauwkeurige, meestal met stappen van 2,0 PSI. Een gekalibreerde meetklok is de meest nauwkeurige in deze prijsklasse (raceteams gebruiken supernauwkeurige digitale meters die honderden dollars kosten), en meestal het duurst. Ze hebben vaak slangen bevestigd, zodat u uw gezicht niet zo dicht bij het ventiel hoeft te houden. Sommige worden geleverd met handige ingebouwde deflators. Digitale bandenspanningsmeters zijn gemakkelijk te gebruiken en het gemakkelijkst af te lezen, maar meestal moet u meer betalen voor een met gecertificeerde kalibratie. De goedkope zijn een basisproduct, gemaakt door een paar verschillende fabrieken in een handvol stijlen, en vervolgens verkocht met kleine cosmetische veranderingen als verschillende merken. We gaan er meer testen om te zien of er een echte reden is om de een boven de ander te kiezen.

Bekijk hieronder onze keuzes voor de beste bandenspanningsmeters en bekijk onze inhoudsopgave voor veel tips over het gebruik en de juiste bandenspanning.

1. Keuze van de redactie:Rhino USA heavy-duty bandenspanningsmeter

Een lange gevlochten slang die op twee plaatsen kan draaien en een goed afleesbare draaiknop maken dit onze beste keuze.

Na het testen van zeven manometers en voortbouwend op de ervaring van onze redacteuren, is onze Editor's Pick de Rhino USA 75 PSI Heavy Duty bandenspanningsmeter. Het beschikt over een 16,75-inch gevlochten slang en spankop, 2,0-inch glow-in-the-dark hoogcontrast wijzerplaat met 0,3-inch beschermende rubberen bumpers en massief koperen hardware. Het is gekalibreerd volgens de ANSI B40.1-standaard, maar ze hebben de kwaliteit niet vermeld, die u de toegestane fout over het bereik vertelt. We ontdekten dat het binnen 1,0 PSI van de andere meters in onze test lag.

Dit was de meest veelzijdige meter die we hebben geprobeerd, met een draaibare verbinding aan zowel de boorkop als aan het lichaam van de wijzerplaat. Dat maakte het gemakkelijk om het ene uiteinde op de klepsteel te krijgen en het andere waar het gemakkelijk af te lezen is. Zoals veel meetklokken, houdt het de meting vast nadat u het van de band hebt verwijderd, met een luchtdrukontlastingsventiel dat ook dienst doet als ontluchter, als het een erg langzame is. Het is echter de grootste bandenspanningsmeter in onze lijst, waardoor het een stuk minder handig is om in een handschoenenkastje te klemmen. Het wordt geleverd met een tas met trekkoord om het gezicht tegen krassen te beschermen, en een pakket met stickers en emblemen, als dat je ding is. De Rhino USA Heavy Duty bandenspanningsmeter heeft een uitstekende 92% positieve beoordeling en meer dan 4.600 beoordelingen.

Het is vermeldenswaard dat hoewel we een gevlochten metalen slang hebben ontvangen, Rhino USA is overgestapt op een met gevlochten stof beklede slang, waar we de voorkeur aan geven, omdat stof op de lange termijn minder snel knikt.

Rhino USA Garantie en Klantenservice

Rhino USA biedt een geweldige probleemloze onbeperkte levenslange garantie op al hun producten. Er is een gratis klantenservicenummer en e-mail op de Rhino-website en ze verwelkomen klanten in hun kantoren in Murrieta, Californië. Toen we anoniem belden, nam iemand de eerste keer op, beantwoordde al onze vragen en bood aan om onze meter gratis te vervangen, ook al was er niets mis mee.

  • Pro's /Uitstekende klantenservice, lange slang, massief messing hardware, 360 graden draaibare boorkop, levenslange garantie
  • Nadelen /Prijs, leest slechts tot 75 PSI
  • 2. Onfeilbare keuze:Dill dubbele voet zwarte potlood bandenspanningsmeter

    Toen we ons eigen geld aan een luchtmeter besteedden, was het aan de Dill.

    We hebben ontdekt dat veel bandenspanningsmeters eigenlijk hetzelfde product zijn, gemaakt door dezelfde offshore-fabriek, met een andere naam en misschien met een andere kleur erop. Dille maakt het zelf, in de VS, en het feit dat het bijna een half pond weegt, vertelt je dat het geen wegwerpbaar stuk plastic is. Een meter met dubbele voet, die recht of in een hoek van 30° kan worden afgelezen, is erg handig voor het bereiken van onhandig geplaatste kleppen, wat naar onze ervaring de meeste zijn. Het is geschikt voor vrachtwagenbanden en leest van 20 tot 120 PSI in stappen van twee PSI op een plastic meter. Dat is het enige plastic onderdeel ervan, de rest is massief metaal. Er zijn nauwkeurigere potloodmeters beschikbaar die aflezen tot 5 PSI en uitkomen op 50 PSI, als u de bovenkant van het bereik niet nodig hebt. Zie onze keuze voor een van die lager.

    We hebben ongeveer zes bandenspanningsmeters in de AutoGuide-garage en uiteindelijk bereiken we de Dill voor de meeste routinebehoeften. Het geeft veel voldoening om dit stuk metaal te pakken, en het kan niet eenvoudiger in gebruik zijn. Het komt niet op de eerste plaats omdat meetklokken vaak nauwkeuriger zijn dan potloodstijl en gemakkelijker te lezen zijn. Onze topkeuze wordt geleverd met een ingebouwde deflator, die we veel gebruiken in andere tests, maar als dit niet op jou van toepassing is, is de Dill-luchtdrukmeter waarschijnlijk de enige die je tijdens je leven nodig hebt.

    Deze luchtmeter komt normaal gesproken niet in aanmerking voor opname in onze aanbevelingen, want hoewel hij een positieve beoordeling van 83% heeft, zijn er slechts 26 beoordelingen. Maar onze persoonlijke ervaring met deze - om nog maar te zwijgen van die van duizenden monteurs - zegt dat u niet teleurgesteld zult zijn.

    Dill-garantie en klantenservice

    Dill Air Controls Products maakt sinds 1909 bandenonderdelen en meters in de VS en als u om wat voor reden dan ook klantenservice nodig heeft voor een bandenspanningsmeter van $ 10, heeft de Dill-website een 800-nummer (en een routebeschrijving, als u wilt bezoeken ) voor het hoofdkantoor in Oxford, North Carolina; evenals een faxnummer en webformulier. Er zit 60 dagen garantie op de bandenspanningsmeter.

  • Pro's /Gebouwd voor het leven, er kan weinig fout gaan, leest tot 120 PSI
  • Nadelen /Niet zo nauwkeurig of gemakkelijk af te lezen als een mechanische wijzerplaat, geen deflator
  • 3. Beste digitale meter:AstroAI digitale bandenspanningsmeter

    De Astro AI-meter heeft een zeer heldere verlichting, maar het kan meerdere pogingen kosten om een ​​meting te krijgen.

    De AstroAI digitale bandenspanningsmeter is de beste digitale meter die we hebben getest. De heldere verlichting en nauwkeurige metingen maken het beter dan andere meters in zijn prijsklasse. Het beschikt over een LCD met blauwe achtergrondverlichting en een handgreep met matte afwerking. De beste eigenschap is een heldere LED die rond de boorkop cirkelt, waardoor het gemakkelijker wordt om de klepsteel te vinden. Het leest in stappen van 0,5 PSI, heeft een instelling voor 0-150 PSI, 0-10 BAR, 0-10 kgf/cm2 of 0-1000 KPA. Het gebruikt een enkele knop voor alle functies, in- en uitschakelen en de meeteenheid. Het apparaat schakelt na 30 tot 40 seconden automatisch uit om energie te besparen. Een niet-vervangbare batterij* is inbegrepen.

    This gauge read within the rated 0.5 PSI of our other gauges and it was easy to see the display. But it sometimes took several tries to get it to take a reading, and it was easy to hit the power button and lose our measurement. The blue light is very bright, but we’d rather have white for the chuck flashlight, and red (or anything but blue) for the gauge for the sake of preserving our vision at night. This gauge has over 48,000 reviews and a very good 89% positive rating.

    AstroAI Warranty and Customer Service

    AstroAI offers a 30-day guarantee and one-year warranty on their product. They have a toll-free number, local California number, and customer support email on their site, along with easy-to-find user manuals. Customers report that warranty service is easy to use.

    * You could pry it open and replace the batteries, but it takes one CR2032 and three LR44 button cell batteries, and there are some plastic tabs it’s easy to break. If you’re not a fan of disposable culture, be prepared to do some gluing or use small screws during reassembly.

  • Pro's /One year warranty, good customer service, large pressure range, auto shutoff, light and easy to use
  • Nadelen /Short display time, disposable, blue isn't a good color for night use
  • 4. Most Accurate:TireTek Premium Tire Pressure Gauge

    Quality construction and simple operation make the TireTek gauge a solid choice.

    Of all the gauges we tested, only TireTek lists the grade of ANSI B40.1 calibration, Grade B, which is the highest standard for consumer and commercial gauges. That means it’s rated for 3% accuracy, or ±1.2 PSI, from 15 to 45 PSI. Other gauges might be as accurate, and others in the AutoGuide Garage performed equally well, but without publishing the grading, you have no way of knowing. If it was as convenient to use as our top pick, it would be in the running for the #1 spot on our list.

    Like most mechanical dial tire pressure gauges, it holds pressure and it’s reading until you release a valve. This lets you measure on the tire, but without the need to get your face down close to the valve stem. The two-inch face is surrounded by the typical rubber drop guard, and the rest of the construction is steel and plated brass. The face glows in the dark, but you need to shine a bright light on it first, so it won’t work straight out of the glovebox. As 45-degree swiveling 5 mm chuck is more usable than a straight one, but it can be hard to get into some tight wheels. If you don’t have the room for our top pick, this is a good choice for accuracy and dependability, and it has an excellent 92% positive rating from over 5,500 reviews.

    TireTek Warranty and Customer Service

    TireTek gauges have a 12 month warranty, which you can extend to a lifetime satisfaction warranty by registering your product on the TireTek site. There is a web form and customer service email, but no phone number.

  • Pro's /Lifetime warranty, 360-degree swivel chuck, Grade B calibration
  • Nadelen /Can be hard to reach some valves, needs light to glow
  • 5. Accutire Digital Tire Pressure Gauge (MS-4021B)

    Accutire has a great reputation but some usability issues.

    Accutire makes a classic and well known digital tire gauge, used by thousands of people for years. But there have been a number of running changes to the MS-4021B model that make it hard to know what you’re getting. It has a very grippy butyl rubber handle that makes it easy to hold onto in wet or greasy conditions. The gauge reads in PSI only, from 5-150 PSI in 0.5 increments and is said to be accurate within 0.5 PSI. Accutire doesn’t list any standard for this claim, but they’re well known as an accurate gauge.

    It uses a fixed, 45° angled head, which would generally be useful for a fixed head design, if it were easier to know if you were actually getting a reading. It turns on automatically when it detects pressure from the valve stem, but we found it seldom measured on the first try. We had to remove it, then press it down again and hold it until it displayed a pressure reading. Then, the dimly lit display would turn off after 10 seconds, and it’s not bright enough to read in direct sunlight. Previous versions have looked different, and some have had an on-off button. We’re not sure if our all-black version, as opposed to the typical black and gold, is a different model, but it has the same MS-4021B model number it’s had since 2014. Nevertheless, it has a good 84% positive rating and over 5,600 reviews.

    The three LR44 button cell batteries are replaceable, but you need a JIS #1 (or #1 Phillips) bit for the tiny screw. Many common problems with the gauge can be solved by resetting it by removing and replacing the batteries. Four extra included valve stem caps are a nice touch, but there’s no way to store them.

    Accutire Warranty and Customer Service

    Accutire is a brand of Measurement, Limited, Inc., of Newport News, Virginia, which make tire pressure gauges for Michelin, among many other products. Accutire more or less has a website, where with a little work you can find an email address, local Virginia phone number, and web form. We were sent directly to voicemail when we called. There is a five-year warranty on the MS-4021B tire pressure gauge, but Accutire requires you return defective gauges at your expense, which is probably not worth it for a product in this price range.

  • Pro's /Backlit LCD, five-year warranty replaceable batteries
  • Nadelen /Dim 10 second display, hard to get a reading
  • 6. JACO ElitePro Tire Pressure Gauge

    JACO is a top-quality product but falls down the list with a lack of customer service.

    JACO produces a high-quality mechanical dial gauge similar to Rhino, and at about the same price. The ElitePro tire pressure gauge is calibrated to ANSI B40.1 standard and promises ±1.5% accuracy without having to rely on batteries. Manufactured with premium heavy duty components, the gauge is surrounded by a rugged, gear-style guard and has a flexible 10 inch rubberized no-leak air hose. There is a built-in bleeder valve to reduce pressure in overinflated tires, while the 360-degree chuck makes it easy to access your valve stems.

    The two-inch dial reads up to 100 PSI and glows in the dark, while readings are locked in place until the pressure reset button is pushed. We like the high-contrast, two-inch dial for readability. It has a terrific 93% positive rating from 5,700 reviews.

    JACO Warranty and Customer Service

    JACO Superior Products offers a 30 day money back satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on their product ElitePro gauge. When we called them, there was a message saying JACO didn’t have phone support “this week,” but we don’t know how old the message was. We’ll check back later to see if that changes, but for now there is just a web form and email on the site. This keeps the ElitePro out of contention for a top spot on our list, even if functionally it’s very competitive.

  • Pro's /Lifetime warranty, quality materials, 360-degree swivel chuck, high-contrast glow-in-the-dark dial
  • Nadelen /Questionable customer service
  • 7. Milton S-291 Passenger Tire Gauge

    It’s fair to call the Milton Pencil Gauge an automotive icon.

    If you like cars, this is one of those tools that you should own at least once in your life. Milton has sold untold millions of their classic pencil gauge over the years, and with good reason. This US-made, plated brass single chuck head pencil tire pressure gauge is just about the cheapest way to get the job done reliably.

    This old standard measures 5-50 PSI in 1 PSI increments on two faces of the gauge, and 40-350 kPa in 10 kPa increments on the other. Milton Industries doesn’t state how accurate the gauge is, but ±1 PSI is probably a safe bet, which puts it in the middle for accuracy. The head is at a good angle for taking readings, shallower than the 45° on most other gauges. You’ll need to check your measurement two or three times to be sure you got full pressure into the gauge, until you get used to it. The markings are legible but small, and exposure to any solvent, like brake cleaner, will remove them. The Milton S-291 Passenger Tire Gauge has a very good 90% positive rating across almost 4,500 reviews.

    Milton Warranty and Customer Service

    We wouldn’t expect most people to feel compelled to make a warranty claim for a tire gauge you can pick up almost anywhere for under $10, but Milton Industries has a 15-day money back satisfaction guarantee, and one-year limited warranty on defects. You can submit the warranty claim through a web form on the Milton site, and there is a toll-free number and other web forms on the Milton site. You can also register your gauge with Milton, if you wish.

  • Pro's /Price, durable plated brass construction, built-in deflator knob
  • Nadelen /Only measures to 50 PSI, hard to read, especially when it gets greasy, not as accurate as a good dial gauge
  • 8. The Professional Choice:Longacre 52-52000 Pro Precision Tire Gauge

    This wouldn’t be a “Best” list without a Longacre gauge.

    You aren’t going to see a Longacre in most garages, or even tire shops, but if you need the most accurate and legible tire gauge this side of the aerospace industry, there aren’t too many other choices. Where you will find them is in places that build and race cars.

    This massive USA-made gauge sports a 4.5 inch face, and is marked in 0.5 PSI increments from 0-60, which makes sense when you consider its lab-quality 0.5% (0.25 PSI) accuracy for the entire range of the gauge, or ASME B40.1 Grade 2A. It has a high grade 17-inch hose and comes with both a straight 45° swivel angle chuck and a swivel ball chuck, not to mention a padded metal carrying case. It also has dual pressure release buttons to make it useful for controlled deflating.

    This is complete overkill for any commuter car and you could buy a case of any of the other gauges on our list for less than the Longacre Pro Precision, but it’s vital equipment for places like race shops where every half a PSI matters. You’re also not going to find many reviews for a product like this, although those it has are 100% positive. Their products lower down the product stack are all in the 92-95% positive range, with thousands of reviews.

    Longacre Warranty and Customer Service

    We’re not sure why a premium product like this only has a one-year warranty, other than they make expect them to have hard use trackside. They do offer a repair service and are very easy to contact, with multiple toll-free and local Indiana phone numbers, emails, and web forms on their site. They answered our call on the first ring, and answered our questions immediately.

  • Pro's /Huge, easy to read gauge face and incredible accuracy
  • Nadelen /Costs more than some tires, disappointing warranty
  • Everything You Need to Know About Tire Pressure

    Sometimes less pressure is good, as long as it’s the right amount. Photo credit:David Traver Adolphus / AutoGuide

    Often overlooked and even sometimes forgotten, your car’s tire pressure is an important factor in making sure your car runs optimally. These days, most modern vehicles come equipped with Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS), which takes the guesswork out of wondering whether your car’s tire pressure is low or not. But what if your car doesn’t have TPMS? And if it does, are there still things you should know?

    You may be surprised by how great of an effect your car’s tire pressure has on your vehicle’s performance. In fact, if you’ve noticed that your gas mileage has gone down a few MPG, it’s likely attributed to your car’s tires.

    How Do I Know If My Tires are Properly Inflated?

    This tire is not properly inflated. Photo credit:David Traver Adolphus / AutoGuide

    Even if your car is equipped with TPMS, you will want to know the recommended tire pressure for your specific vehicle. Typically, there is a sticker found inside the driver’s side door that will list the recommended tire pressure. This figure is normally indicated in PSI, which stands for pounds per square inch of air. In addition, your tire’s maximum air pressure will be labeled on the tire’s sidewall. That figure is the maximum PSI the tire can safely hold. In other words, don’t inflate your tires beyond the number found on the sidewall.

    If you are not able to locate a sticker on the inside of your driver’s side door, refer to the owner’s manual to determine the recommended tire pressure for your car.

    Keep in mind that the recommended tire pressure values could be different between your front and rear tires. Make sure you’re checking both front and rear values when you’re determining whether your tires are properly inflated.

    Why is Proper Inflation Important?

    Because it didn’t have the weight of a car on it, this tire looked fine. Photo credit:David Traver Adolphus / AutoGuide

    There’s a reason why vehicles have recommended tire pressures. Proper inflation of your car’s tires not only ensures it’s comfortable to drive and ride in, but it can also affect your fuel economy. More importantly, they ensure your tires are wearing out uniformly, extending the life of your tires.

    Overinflating or underinflating your tires could have adverse effects on its performance. Not only do underinflated tires appear flatter, they have increased surface contact with the road. If driven over a long period of time, that contact can result in premature tire wear. Underinflation also has a direct effect on the car’s fuel economy.

    Overinflating your tires with too much air can cause increased rigidity and stiffness, resulting in a harsher ride. Contact with the road is typically increased around the center area of the tire when it is overinflated, causing additional wear in the center. If you notice the sides or outer sections of your car’s tires are less worn out than the center, it’s a good chance they’re overinflated.

    How To Check Your Tire Pressure

    Checking your car’s tire pressure is a fairly straightforward and simple task. The easiest method is to use a tire pressure gauge that you can purchase online or at any automotive parts store for cheap. It’s normally recommended to check your car’s tire pressure levels when the tires are cold, or after the vehicle has been parked for at least three hours. Since friction causes heat, and heat increases tire pressure, doing a check after driving will likely give you an inaccurate figure. The recommended tire pressures you find in either the decal inside your driver’s side door or in your owner’s manual refers to the tire pressure before you start driving.

    Using the tire pressure gauge, remove your valve stem cap and simply place the gauge on the stem with some pressure. A number will appear on the gauge, and it never hurts to check it two or even three times to make sure you have an accurate reading. Once you’ve checked the tire pressure on all four tires, make sure to replace the valve stem cap.

    Avoid gauges like this one that don’t hold a reading when you remove them from the valve stem. Photo credit:David Traver Adolphus /

    If you don’t own a tire gauge, nearly all public air compressors will have an integrated tire gauge. More modern units at gas stations may have digital readouts to show your tire pressure. If your tire is overinflated, you’ll want to let some air out to get it back to the optimal PSI range. Make sure to check it periodically while you’re letting air out, so you don’t end up underinflating your tires.

    How Often Should I Check My Tire Pressure?

    With tire pressure monitoring (TPMS) required in new vehicles, many people don’t think about tire pressure unless the light illuminates. Or maybe you go with the “eye test,” where you just look and gauge whether your tire is flat or not. But a TMPS light won’t go on until your tires are about 20% low, far below the threshold to cost you gas money and wear out your tires.

    Even in modern vehicles, you should check your tires (and oil!) at least once a week. It only takes a couple of minutes and is an easy way to stop problems before they start, and get to know your car better. Every time you drive, you should take 11 seconds to walk around your vehicle, especially if you’re taking a long trip. Then you can whip out your handy gauge if something looks off.

    If you keep a tire gauge in your car, why not just do a quick check while you’re gassing up? It’s something productive to do with that time and could go a long way in making sure your tires last as long as they should.

    How Do I Use A Tire Pressure Gauge?

    Tire gauges are easy to use, regardless of whether they’re digital, dial, or pencil. Pencil tire gauges are typically compact and are a long thin tube with a chuck on one end to connect to the valve stem of your tire. As soon as you press it on and it gets air pressure from the tire, a plastic rod will extend from the gauge to show your PSI. If you’re using a pencil tire gauge, we recommended checking the tire pressure two or three times to make sure you have an accurate reading. When you’re done, just push the rod back in. It should go in with almost no resistance, which also makes it easy to change by accident before you can look at it. Some pencil tire gauges will also allow you to let air out of your tire by putting the opposite end into the valve stem.

    While they do cost a bit more than a conventional tire gauge, digital tire gauges are more reading and are easier to use. Some of them turn on automatically, while others have an on-off or multifunction button. Then, all you have to do is turn on the gauge and place it on the valve stem to get a PSI reading. But since they are digital, they’ll require batteries so always keep a spare set handy. If you’re not using it every day, and it isn’t alternately baking and freezing in your car, you should get at least three to five years out of a set of button batteries. A backlit screen is very handy for use under a dark car or at night, but they can wash out in sunlight.

    We like dial gauges for everyday use. You know when you have a reading, because the indicator needle jumps when the gauge is pressurized. They have several advantages. Most of them hold pressure until you release it, so you have plenty of time to look at the number. They also tend to be large and easy to read, with two inch or larger dials. Many are glow in the dark and they don’t need batteries, but they need light first if you want them to glow. Dial gauges can be very accurate and there’s a calibration standard—look for those that say they meet ANSI B40.1, which is the highest standard of accuracy for consumer products.

    Is It Safe To Drive My Car with Low Tire Pressure?

    Wed don’t recommend driving your car for an extended period of time with low tire pressure. If your vehicle is equipped with TPMS and the light is on, you’ll want to address the issue as soon as possible. Low tire pressure not only results in uneven wear on the tire, it increases the risk of getting a flat or even a blowout.

    Recent Updates:

    April 6, 2022:Updated introduction, minor corrections.

    March 14, 2022:Updated information for Rhino USA Heavy Duty Tire Pressure Gauge.

    March 11, 2022:Updated FAQs and photos. Updated information for JACO ElitePro and Milton S-921 tire pressure gauges.

    March 10, 2022:Added hands-on review and photo of Rhino USA Heavy Duty Tire Pressure Gauge. Awarded “Best Digital” to AstroAI Digital Tire Pressure Gauge and updated review and photo based on testing. Moved TireTek gauge to 4th place and added testing results and photo. Moved Accutire to 5th place and added testing results and photo. Updated FAQs. Removed Slime Digital Tire Gauge, added Longacre 52-52000.

    March 9, 2022:Updated introduction and added hands-on review and photos of Dill dual-foot pencil gauge.

    January 27, 2027:Removed unavailable Tekton gauge, added Dill dual-foot pencil gauge.

    December 23, 2021:Removed discontinued Tacklife and McLintech brands.

    June 15, 2021:Updated with a promoted product recommendation.

    June 7, 2021:Updated with a new image for the JACO ElitePro Tire Pressure Gauge.