We zijn hier om u alle ins en outs te vertellen over wat keramische coating is en om u te helpen bepalen welk type keramische coating het beste bij uw behoeften past.
Laten we eerst beginnen met de basis. Keramische coating kan het best worden omschreven als een extra laag (of schaal) die u bovenop de bestaande verfbeurt van uw voertuig kunt aanbrengen. Dit helpt zowel het oppervlak van de auto te verlengen als te beschermen door een heldere, hydrofobe laag over uw voertuig te vormen.
Dus, wat is een hydrofobe laag? Als u googled op "hydrofoob ” ziet u de definitie als “neigt af te stoten of niet te mengen met water ”. Dit is precies wat keramische coating doet, maar het heeft ook veel andere voordelen. De formule van een keramische coating, die we later zullen bespreken, wordt gebruikt om een extra laag lakbescherming toe te voegen zonder de kleur van uw auto te veranderen.
Oke dan. Laten we uitleggen wat keramische coating is in termen die we allemaal kunnen begrijpen. Weet je nog toen je je auto voor het eerst kocht en hij er absoluut onberispelijk uitzag?
De verf was niet alleen glanzend, maar had een geweldige glanzende/natte look waar je naar bleef staren? Deze glans was waarschijnlijk een van de redenen waarom je verliefd werd op je auto.
In de loop der jaren, wanneer die glanzende look begint te vervagen, beginnen de meeste autobezitters zich af te vragen hoe ze het terug kunnen krijgen. In dit geval is een keramisch coatingproduct uw antwoord om die look niet alleen terug te brengen, maar ook te behouden.
Keramische coating wordt gebruikt om uw auto te beschermen tegen slijtage en om te voorkomen dat die vervelende, maar natuurlijke, alledaagse elementen die u tegenkomt het uiterlijk bederven. Lijkt het soms niet alsof alles op de weg erop gericht is om het prachtige exterieur van uw auto langzaam aan te vallen en de waarde ervan te verminderen?
Dus als je je ooit hebt afgevraagd wat keramische coating is voor auto's, dan is hier je antwoord. Zie het als de ultieme regenjas. Een pleister die werkt als een andere laag huid of het schild dat wordt gebruikt door Captain America ... je snapt het! Aangezien keramische coating een blanke lak is, verandert deze de originele, verbluffende kleur van uw voertuig niet.
Als het gaat om keramische coating voor auto's, HEB JE OPTIES en er zijn verschillende wegen die je kunt nemen. U kunt professionele hulp zoeken... wat natuurlijk de duurdere optie is. Als alternatief kunt u de doe-het-zelfroute nemen, afhankelijk van uw niveau van comfort en vaardigheid.
Er zijn video's op YouTube die u kunt bekijken om u te helpen bij het proces, of u kunt beoordelingen van autoverzorging lezen om te zien wat andere mensen verkiezen. Verschillende bedrijven bieden ook producten aan waarmee u een professionele uitstraling krijgt voor een fractie van de prijs.
Voordat we dieper ingaan op de producten in deze gids, kostenoverzichten en de belangrijkste details, laten we eerst praten over waarom uw voertuig een keramische coating nodig heeft.
Als je onze uitleg tot nu toe hebt gelezen voor "wat is keramische coating? ”, is deze volgende vraag hetzelfde als vragen:“waarom heb ik een paraplu nodig als het regent? ”
Maakt u zich zorgen over de levensduur van het uiterlijk van uw voertuig? Zie je het echt als een investering? Dan moet je dieper ingaan op keramische coatings en sprays.
U wilt uw auto niet zien afschrijven door een probleem te negeren dat eenvoudig kan worden opgelost. Het gebruik van een lakbeschermingsproduct is de enige manier om uw auto er op zijn best uit te laten zien, en keramische coating is absoluut de beste manier om dat te doen.
Hieronder vindt u slechts enkele redenen waarom u een keramische coating zou moeten aanbrengen op uw auto, vrachtwagen, motorfiets, camper of elk ander voertuig met verf erop!
Nu u de voordelen van een keramische autocoating begrijpt, gaan we de toepassingsopties eens doornemen. Als je geen klein fortuin wilt uitgeven en graag dingen zelf doet, dan zijn keramische sprays en doe-het-zelf keramische coatingkits perfect voor jou. Laten we het opsplitsen.
Aangezien we veel gaan praten over keramische coating en al uw opties, laten we iets ophelderen (bedoelde woordspeling)! Eerst en vooral is keramische spray een TYPE keramische coating.
Als je de doe-het-zelf-route volgt, wil je misschien eens kijken naar enkele van de verschillende keramische sprays die er zijn. Veel bedrijven bieden ook keramische coatingkits aan om het proces onfeilbaar te maken.
Met ZO veel opties die tegenwoordig op de markt zijn, kan het erg verwarrend zijn voor iemand die net begint. Niemand wil daar zitten en ongeveer een miljoen verschillende producten lezen en dan tijd verspillen aan het gebruik van een middelmatige. En dat is precies waarom we CarCareReviews.net zijn begonnen.
Deze site is gemaakt om al uw vragen te beantwoorden over wat keramische coating is, verschillende soorten keramische coatings op de markt en andere doe-het-zelf autoverzorgingsproducten. Toen ik net begon, had ik een miljoen vragen ... "Heb ik een kit nodig? ”, “Hoeveel spray moet ik kopen ?", "Op welke delen van mijn auto kan ik het gebruiken? ”, “Welke gaat het langst mee? ”, “Welke heeft de sterkste formule?” , "Welke is de beste waarde ?”, en meer.
Gelukkig voor jou hebben we de beste beschikbare keramische sprays gerangschikt en beoordeeld. Klik hier om ze te bekijken. U kunt ook zien hoe we deze beoordelingen berekenen door naar onze pagina Hoe we rangschikken te gaan.
Een van de belangrijkste dingen waar we naar zullen kijken, zijn de kosten, wat over het algemeen het eerste is dat bij iedereen opkomt. Daarna zullen we de wetenschap en technologie achter keramische coating opsplitsen en waarom het zo effectief is.
Daarna zullen we eventuele vragen doornemen die tijdens uw zoekopdracht naar voren kunnen komen, zoals "hoe breng ik een keramische coating aan? ”, “op welke oppervlakken kan ik een keramische coating gebruiken ?", "wat is het verschil tussen een keramische coating en andere detailproducten ?” en "hoe lang duurt een aanvraag? ”.
Er is een ENORM prijsverschil in keramische coatings, afhankelijk van of u het zelf doet of naar een professionele autodetailer gaat.
Het inleveren van uw auto voor een professionele keramische toepassing kan u tussen de $ 450 en $ 2400 kosten. Professioneel aangebrachte coatings gaan langer mee dan een keramische spray en een doe-het-zelf kit voor keramische coatings (daarover later meer).
Als het gaat om wat een professionele keramische coating is en voor wie het is, moet u overwegen:dit is iets voor degenen die echt het allerbeste willen, ongeacht de kosten.
Veel professionele detailers bieden u een garantie, meestal tussen de 5 en 7 jaar, maar er kunnen ook veel verborgen kosten zijn als u uw auto naar een professional brengt. Sommigen zullen je vertellen dat de keramische coating $ 700 zal zijn, maar dat de voorbereidingskosten niet zijn inbegrepen.
Een ander ding om te overwegen is dat een professionele keramische coating 1 tot 5 dagen kan duren, omdat deze moet worden ingebakken met UV-verlichting. Daarom moet u mogelijk een nieuwe set wielen huren terwijl uw auto in de winkel staat, waardoor de kosten nog hoger worden.
Als u nu al dat geld wilt vermijden en eenvoudige aanwijzingen kunt volgen, overweeg dan om een doe-het-zelf keramische coating aan te schaffen en deze zelf aan te brengen. Sommigen van jullie denken misschien dat dit te moeilijk is, maar we zijn hier om je anders te vertellen! We laten je ook enkele van onze favoriete keramische sprays zien voor een nog sneller applicatieproces.
Een goed product gaat gemiddeld 2-3 jaar mee. Sommigen beweren echter dat ze tot 5 jaar meegaan! Of u nu kiest om uw auto naar een professional te brengen of het zelf doet, weet dat keramische coating GEEN permanente oplossing is en dat de resultaten na verloop van tijd vervagen. Laat u dus niet door een professionele detailer overtuigen dat hun keramische coatingtoepassing levenslang meegaat!
Omdat de meeste professionele keramische coatings ook onderhoud nodig hebben, is er nog een vraag die je jezelf moet stellen. Wilt u echt de tijd nemen om uw auto één keer per jaar voor onderhoud naar de detailer te brengen? Je kunt tenslotte gemakkelijk een beetje tijd nemen en het zelf doen.
Voordat we dieper ingaan op waar een keramische coating van is gemaakt en hoe deze werkt voor auto's, laten we eens kijken naar een kostenoverzicht tussen uw opties.
Stel, je gaat voor een professionele keramische coating die 7 jaar meegaat. Wanneer u dit opsplitst tegen het hogere prijskaartje van $ 2500 gedeeld door 7 jaar, krijgt u ongeveer $ 358 per jaar. $ 2500 is een behoorlijk groot bedrag om op te hoesten voor iets dat langzaam voor je ogen zal verdwijnen.
Je denkt misschien dat $ 358 niet al te onredelijk klinkt. Als je echter kijkt naar de kosten van een professionele coating, een bouwpakket en een keramische spray, dan is het prijsverschil enorm!
Een ander ding om te overwegen is dat veel soorten professionele keramische coatings een veel langer proces zijn en dat u uw auto elk jaar terug moet brengen voor maximale bescherming. Nogmaals, dit komt omdat uw coating met een UV-lamp moet worden gebakken, waardoor het een veel langer proces is. U kunt ook worden overgehaald om een groter keramisch coatingpakket aan te schaffen. Maar let op! Ze verkopen je misschien het idee dat het langer meegaat en er beter uitziet.
Laten we u nu laten zien wat het voordeel is van het gebruik van een doe-het-zelf keramisch coatingproduct door te kijken naar de kosten van een van onze best beoordeelde keramische sprays.
De Nexgen Ceramic Spray kost $ 19,95 per fles. Het zal uw voertuig 4 keer coaten. Of mogelijk zelfs 6 keer, afhankelijk van de grootte van uw auto. Bovendien gaat het tot 4 keer langer mee dan andere keramische sprays op de markt. Hoe lang zou je zeggen dat de lakbeschermingsfilm meegaat?
We hebben Nexgen beoordeeld en na 2 maanden zagen we dat een van onze voertuigen er nog steeds uitzag alsof hij net gedetailleerd was. Een spray met deze eigenschappen kan tussen de 4 en 6 maanden meegaan!
Laten we de wiskunde doen....Nexgen gaat 4 tot 6 maanden mee met slechts één applicatie. Stel dat u één fles Nexgen per jaar gebruikt. Dit zou betekenen dat je je auto er echt doorheen steekt, veel bijwerkt en op de een of andere manier maar 3 applicaties uit de spray haalt. In 7 jaar, vergeleken met de tijd dat professionals beweren dat hun coatings lang meegaan, zou je 7 flessen gebruiken voor maar liefst ongeveer $ 140.
Als je het nog verder wilt uitsplitsen, hebben we het over $ 5 per gemiddelde applicatie. Nu zijn we geen wiskundigen, maar het is vrij eenvoudig om te zien dat dit aanzienlijk minder dan $ 2500 is.
Dus, tot slot, het aanbrengen van een keramische spray is VEEL goedkoper en bijna net zo effectief als het naar een professional brengen van uw auto. We zullen later op meer verschillen ingaan, maar we wilden de uitsplitsing van de kosten uit de weg ruimen.
Nu, voordat u de focus verliest en begint te googlen op keramische lakbeschermingsproducten, LANGZAAM! We zullen u door uw opties leiden en u alles vertellen over de beste keramische sprays die er zijn. Laten we teruggaan naar de wetenschap achter keramische coating.
Als je wilt weten wat het belangrijkste ingrediënt is waar je naar moet zoeken in een goede keramische coating, dan is dat Siliciumdioxide of SiO2. Hoe hoger het gehalte aan SiO2, hoe sterker de formule.
Maar wat is SiO2? Silicon dioxide is a combo of two natural materials, silicon and oxygen. People mainly know silicon dioxide as Quartz, which to some people can be a little confusing. Just think of SiO2 as the essential ingredient of ceramic coatings.
If you are looking to add a ceramic coating to your car yourself then you must purchase a ceramic spray with a high SiO2 content. Our favorite and top rated ceramic spray, Nexgen, is made of 13% silicon dioxide, which is more than any other product on the market.
Other common ingredients found in ceramic coatings are deposited aluminum dioxide, deposited chromium oxide, titanium dioxide, silica, and several others. Don’t let all these fancy terms fool you though. Remember, you want to look for what is the SiO2 content. This is the key ingredient, even if some ceramic coating brands may try to fool you. Remember to check out our rankings to see which ceramic sprays contain the highest levels of SiO2.
You’ll notice how when you start researching about ceramic coatings, the words “nano coating” and “nanotechnology” come up quite often. This is because ceramic coating uses nanotechnology to pack all these chemical components into a big punch, giving your car that sheer level of protection.
Then, what does nano coating mean? Nano coating, sometimes referred to as nano sealing, is just a fancy way of saying the same. If you are applying ceramic coating to your car, you are nano coating it, so don’t let fancy jargon confuse you!
Since ceramic coating is a semi-permanent bond, it’s made of some pretty powerful ingredients. Now, let’s go all Bill Nye the Science Guy and really dig into how ceramic coatings work chemically.
You might be thinking, “ok, ok I get it, it’s a clear coat.” However, rather than thinking about it as just a clear coat, it’s better to understand that ceramic coatings are literally a semi-permanent, clear BOND that protects your vehicle.
The bonded molecules inside ceramic coatings compound themselves to form polymers. The polymers then bond to form a structure. The result is nanocoating – (the clear layer coat) which binds to your vehicle’s paint to create that additional layer of protection, TA DA!
Think of it this way…Remember when you were growing up and you had K’NEX to play with? All those K’NEX linked together to create something spectacular! That’s what nano coating/ ceramic coating does. All those connected polymers result in a beautiful, clear, hydrophobic liquid that’s then applied to your vehicle for a solid, sheer layer of protection.
If you add a screen protector to your iPhone or Android, don’t you think you should do the same for your car? Just let that sink in for a second. Isn’t it more satisfying to understand how ceramic coatings work rather than just hoping for the best?
You are now packed with insights and information. Why not start narrowing it all down, and dive into the specifics? Let’s look at how durable ceramic coating is, how it works, and what the “shell” really does!
Before we talk about what the normal expectation for a ceramic coating’s durability is, you have to understand the hardness, toughness and muscle behind ceramic coatings.
How are ceramic coatings tested and how can you trust a product? This is another common question and something you’ll come across a lot. Do know many companies out there falsify their hardness levels, so be mindful when purchasing.
Many professional ceramic coating brands will make a statement of having the hardest or toughest layer of protection. Of course, this sounds like something you would want, right?
Several different manufacturers claim that their ceramic coatings for cars are a level “9” or commonly referred to as a “9H” coating. What is a “9H” rating you ask?
Let’s take it back to our school days when we all had to sharpen pencils…if you were around for that. Yep, you guessed it, the hardness scale used for ceramic coating is the same scale used for pencils.
Remember making ceramics in art class, and your teacher had to keep it overnight for it to cure? Well, that applies here. Once a ceramic coating is cured to your car’s surface, you can determine its level of toughness and durability. This will be its hardness level (determined by the pencil test.)
In other words:The highest possible hardness level of a ceramic coating is 9 or 9H. Waarom? Because that’s the highest level of hardness on the pencil scale.
When looking for a ceramic coating, you are going to come across many products claiming to be the “strongest” formula. But what does it mean? A 9H ceramic coating is applied only by professionals. With a little help from us, we’ll show you some of the strongest do-it-yourself ceramic sprays out there.
We’ve talked about the hardness level of ceramic coatings as well as SiO2 formulas. So now that you are aware of these two VERY important factors, how do you know which product to buy?
This can get confusing, so we’ve done the hard work for you. We’ll show you one from each category based on our industry knowledge and hundreds of reviews out there!
When it comes to what is the longest a ceramic coating can last, know this is really circumstantial and based on many factors. Your car comes across many different elements on any given day. Rain, salt, mud, UV rays, pollen, and airborne particles you can’t see, are just a few of these.
For example, a ceramic paint sealant will last a long time in Southern California, where there’s virtually no humidity, no bugs, no salt in the air, and it very rarely rains. Compare that with South Florida (the complete opposite) and you’ll see how, in those conditions, the same ceramic coating may last only a fraction of the time.
If you are taking your car to a professional to have a ceramic coating applied, you can expect it to last anywhere from 1 to 5 years, sometimes even 7. This will depend on the package you choose, and how much you are willing to spend. Best-case scenario, it will last 7 years, but your car will still need maintenance once a year.
There are “professional” DIY kits stating they can last up to 2-3 years. However, that’s also assuming you follow the directions well, focus on doing a great job during the application process, and prep your car before applying.
Don’t be fooled when you see or hear people say that it’s a “semi-permanent bond.” Again, it all depends on what you put your vehicle through and how you care for it on a daily basis. You can’t just apply ceramic coating once and then neglect any aftercare or maintenance.
One issue we see with professionals is that if/when you start to notice that some areas of your ceramic coat are fading, you can’t really just touch it up. In the end, you are basically tied to them, costing you more time and money.
This is where we see a huge benefit in ceramic sprays and DIY products. Although they may not last as long, it’s easy to see the cost-benefit. As having the ability to make necessary touch-ups is a huge plus, ceramic sprays become a no-brainer. We’ll go over this a little more when discussing the types of product applications.
Below is a short list of three ceramic coating sprays and their longevity just to give you an idea:
You can see that ceramic coating products vary in longevity. Obviously, it will last the longest if applied by a professional, but be aware that it’s going to cost a pretty penny.
You’ll see a lot of websites out there telling you it’s difficult to apply a ceramic coating yourself. But what is the truth?
Well, we are here to tell you that as long as you follow the correct steps and take your time, you CAN apply ceramic coating to your car simply and safely!
Obviously, professional detailers are going to steer you towards having it done professionally since it’s a more costly process, and makes you dependent on them. But if you do your own research and choose a high-quality do-it-yourself ceramic spray, you can apply a perfect ceramic coating in no time. The trick is to know what you need.
The main thing to take into account if you want to do the job yourself, is you must be willing to do the prep work. If you don’t take the time for this, you won’t get the best possible results.
One of the best ways to prep your vehicle is to perform a clay bar detail on your exterior surfaces to remove any excess contaminants. This will give your ceramic spray the perfect surface to bond with.
Here’s a good video on how to do a clay bar detail, even if you’ve never done it before:
We recommend sticking to one line of products since generally these are made to be used together, hence why DIY kits are so popular. If the brand you select doesn’t offer full kits, car wash products, clay bars, etcetera, then choose high-quality products.
Since we’ve shown you that ceramic sprays and DIY kits are a totally viable option, we’ll now walk you through the steps to apply a ceramic kit yourself, as well as how to use some of our favorite sprays.
Now we are getting into the fun stuff! Who doesn’t like that feeling of putting in some work, using that elbow grease, and then stepping back to see the final result?
You may think this sounds like it’s going to be way too difficult, too many steps, and that you might be afraid of royally screwing it up. But what is the process of applying ceramic coating all about actually?
Let’s go through two different types of products to show you how some DIY kits work as well as one of our favorite ceramic sprays.
Adam’s Polishes is a company we have both used and reviewed for you! Their Ceramic Coating Kits are said to last 6-8 months. Since you’d have the kit, you can touch up with their Boost Spray if necessary. For $119 they have a UV Ceramic Spray Coating Kit which includes:
We also recommend purchasing a microfiber applicator!
Since you may have already looked into ceramic coating applications before reading this, you may be thinking one of two things:
1.) This seems like way too long of a process.
2.) This seems too easy for it to really work.
We are going to debunk both of those myths for you!
As a general rule of thumb, regardless of what paint sealants you are using, you’ll want to start off with the same steps to get the best results.
Prep your vehicle first by washing it. For best results, we recommend using the same line of products. To put it simply, lines of products are generally designed to be used together and will in turn yield the best result. You want to start with the cleanest surface possible. Try to get rid of as much dirt, tree sap, pollen, grime, dust, etc. Remember to use the two-step solution when washing your car.
What is it and why should I use it? Many people and experts out there recommend using a clay bar treatment after washing and drying your car. For the ceramic coating to really bond to your car’s surface, you need to clean up any mineral deposits, imperfections and contaminants in your existing clear coat.
This will help make your ceramic coating last longer and look flawless! This step can also help remove any additional contaminants, and it’s recommended to use before any type of polish or carnauba wax treatment.
Remember, ceramic coating isn’t going to fix your paint, but will help protect it. So, it’s a good idea to do whatever possible to get your car looking its best before applying a ceramic coating.
Since we chose to use Adam’s DIY Kit as an example to walk you through this product, for step three you’d then use the 12oz Surface Prep Spray.
Very important! This step stays the same regardless of what products you use.
The surface prep spray is an Isopropyl Alcohol solution that will remove any trace of polish residue, cleaning residue, etc, think of it as a primer. You prime before you paint to get the best result, right? Same concept here!
It’s very important to have your car well protected during this process. If you washed your car outside, make sure it has had time to cool down. Ceramic coating must be applied in a cool, dry and shaded area.
Using the microfiber applicator or folded microfiber towel, you can choose to spray the ceramic coating directly onto your vehicle or add it to the applicator first if you’d rather work in smaller, more controlled sections.
Different types of ceramic coatings will give different directions on how exactly to apply. Some will say to use small circular motions, some would indicate more of a criss-cross or cross-hatch fashion. All in all, what matters most is to follow the instructions!
Always keep multiple microfiber cloths nearby as you should continue to use a clean cloth to avoid over-saturating the area.
Wondering what is the importance of working in small sections when applying ceramic coating? Working in small sections is important for a few reasons, and you’ll want to work panel by panel. This is because after applying the ceramic coating and working it into the area, you’ll have to wait a minute or two (as per instructions), and then buff the area to see if any more work is needed.
As you apply the ceramic coating, it will begin to cure and create a hazy rainbow effect. This is when you must start step 5 in conjunction with step 4.
The last step of the application process is buffing. The reason for buffing is you should remove any additional oils that might be resting or that have settled on the surface of your car.
The more meticulous you are in this step, the better your results will be. Now, since ceramic coating sets rather quickly, you’ll want to take the time to buff while applying as discussed in step 4.
You’ll sometimes see a rainbow effect as described by Adam’s Polish. They recommend that you buff to a high shine within a minute or two of application. This is why it’s so important to work in small sections and not get trigger happy.
A lot of people will say to go panel by panel, but by splitting each panel in half, you can enable yourself to avoid rushing and focusing on great results. If you choose to spray the ceramic coating onto the towel first, you’ll have to work a little faster as this means the ceramic coating will begin to cure in the air.
Wondering what curing is and what role does it play in ceramic coating? By definition, curing is “a chemical process employed in polymer chemistry and process engineering that produces the toughening or hardening of a polymer material by cross-linking of polymer chains”.
In simple terms, this is the step where the ceramic coating hardens and binds to your vehicle. While you’ll notice that this starts to happen immediately, it’s generally recommended to let your car sit for one to two days after application. This guarantees the coating has completely cured to the surface.
Depending on the kit or products that you purchase, you’ll have the option to perform touch-ups as needed over time.
This is where products like the “Ceramic Boost” from Adam’s step in. Your car doesn’t get dirty evenly. Parts of it will dull and fade faster than others and you’ll want to touch up as needed.
Again, it’s best to use the same line of products as they are meant to be used together. Using a product like this can add around 3 to 6 months of added protection against paint damage to your ceramic coating. This is a simple spray-and-wipe process and can be used as needed.
Ceramic coating won’t eliminate the need to wash your car, but will reduce the time between washes. If you really want to make your ceramic coating last as long as possible, we recommend washing your car every two to three weeks.
**Adam’s UV Ceramic Spray Coating Kit says it will last 2-3 years**
Not all ceramic coatings are applied the same way although they generally follow the same steps. What differentiates ceramic coating applications is the products that you choose to use and your vehicle’s specific needs.
If you are using a UV protection ceramic coating, you may have an extra step. Remember, not all ceramic sprays/coatings are the same! So think about what you really need, and the elements you want to protect your car against. You should also check the product’s application process before deciding for one.
As you probably know by now, the Nexgen Ceramic Spray is our top-rated product and, as it’s very user-friendly, we are going to walk you through how to use a ceramic spray like this.
The Nexgen Ceramic Spray provides the fastest application available on the market today. Like other sprays, it’s best to apply Nexgen in a cool, covered area. Since Nexgen is a professional grade seal and has one of the highest SiO2 formulas, a little goes a long way! This spray uses a quick, three-step process that’s shown and outlined on their website.
With Nexgen, there’s no need to purchase an additional boost, saving you both time and money as opposed to other products. Nexgen’s ease of use and glowing reviews prove they are a top choice for professionals and DIYers alike! Their price is hard to beat and their customer service is top of the line.
Check out these great videos from a professional detailer showing the application process, and the results one month after using Nexgen Ceramic Spray:
Check out these two videos to see how easy the application is, and understand the longevity and strength of this product after a single application!
This is another area where there’s a HUGE difference between doing it yourself or taking it to a professional. You’re probably sitting there thinking to yourself “ok so, how long is this going to take me?” This will depend on the size of your vehicle, your products, and your level of perfectionism.
Let us walk you through what is the time difference between having a ceramic coating applied by a professional vs. applying a professional-grade ceramic coating by yourself.
If you are taking your car to a professional to have a ceramic coating applied, on average, it would take 2 to 3 days. This may vary depending on what type of package you choose, as professional detailers generally have different ones. These packages generally add different layers of ceramic coating onto your car, claiming to make the coating last longer.
When applying a do-it-yourself ceramic spray, you can coat your entire vehicle in 10 minutes or less, depending on size. When you add in the prep work of washing and then clay bar detailing, it can take a couple of hours. This is still much less than the several days it will take a professional detailer.
However, do yourself a favor and don’t rush this process! Take the time to do it right, and you won’t be disappointed with the results. Worst-case scenario, if you take one day every couple of months, the payoff is still well worth it.
Ceramic coatings and ceramic sprays can be applied to all the exterior surfaces of your vehicle. They are safe for all painted surfaces, headlights, trim, fiberglass, vinyl wraps, wheels, glass, chrome and even the liner of truck beds.
Let’s break down each of these surfaces so you can see better what is the benefit of using a ceramic spray or coating on every surface of your vehicle.
Since ceramic coatings are hydrophobic, they are optimal for use on your windshield as they’ll make water literally bounce right off. Raindrops will bead and roll off of both your car’s surface and your windshield. Adding a ceramic coating here will also help protect it from bird droppings, bug guts, tree droppings. It can even help build an extra layer of protection against rock chips.
Since this is a clear layer, it won’t affect visibility. You’ll still be able to clean up your windshield as usual and can also use boost sprays as needed. In conclusion, cleaning your windshield will be easier than ever. Plus, you won’t have to clean it as often!
Ceramic coatings will help protect your headlights. There’s nothing worse than driving on the highway and ending up with a million dead bugs stuck to your headlights. No one likes scraping dead bugs off of any surface, let alone having to crouch down and scrape them off of your freshly washed car.
It’s also extremely frustrating to see water spots on your headlights after rain or a quick wash. Ceramic coatings will work on headlights just like they will on the windshield, and even on your plastic trim. They’ll also help prevent oxidation and corrosion.
Plastic trim, like headlights, are magnets for water spots and dead bugs. This is very true for dark cars as water spots and any other elements become extremely noticeable.
Wondering what is the role of ceramic coating in protecting trims? Just like how ceramic coatings protect other surfaces of your car, they’ll do the same for the trim. Plus, they can be applied the same way.
When you are applying ceramic coating to the trim of your vehicle, notice how it will give off a little sheen, almost making it look brand new. This is just another added bonus!
Ceramic coating will mostly help protect your wheels from dirt/mud and debris. Brake dust is the number one enemy to keeping your wheels clean, and it’s not easy to remove. Wheels are also tough to clean due to all the small grooves and tight areas.
Since ceramic coating will help stop brake dust from bonding to the surface of your wheels, they’ll naturally become a breeze to clean.
“Can I apply a ceramic coating to chrome?” is a question that comes up a lot in regards to motorcycles and exhausts, intakes, manifolds, etc.
The answer is yes. We’ll also add that ceramic coatings and sprays can be applied to aluminum, stainless steel, cast iron and carbon steel as well. The reason to use ceramic coatings on these surfaces is to protect them from high heat corrosion and deterioration.
Ceramic coatings are NOT scratch-proof! This is a very common myth and one that we want to reiterate to you. Although ceramic coatings can help protect against small scratches, they won’t make your truck bed invincible. Your liner will be protected and have the same result as your trim.
There are products out there claiming to protect the bed of your truck. However the inevitable might still happen and it will get scratched up. However, adding a ceramic coating will definitely help protect your liner just like it will all other areas of your truck.
You CAN apply ceramic coating to vinyl wrapped cars and over PPF, although it’s not really recommended to put it over PPF. Vinyl wrap is a film that’s applied over the panels of your vehicle. Some people choose to add a vinyl wrap for an extra layer of protection to help prevent rock chips.
Applying a ceramic coating over a vinyl wrap is possible. However, it won’t be as good as if it’s applied solely to your car’s surface. Remember, since ceramic coating is a clear coat, it won’t alter the color or overall look of your vinyl wrap.
Simply put, ceramic coating isn’t going to hurt any part of your car, truck or motorcycle. It can really only help. As long as you take the time to select the right product for your vehicle’s needs, you’ll be perfectly fine! This brings us to our next point, how do you choose which ceramic coating to use?
Lucky for you, we have reviews for many different ceramic sprays to help you take the guesswork out of the selection process. Since ceramic sprays are the easiest to use, we think it’s important to highlight some of the best products on the market.
We’ll take these four topics into consideration when choosing a ceramic spray:longevity, strength, value, and customer service.
When it comes to what is the best value ceramic coating for cars, Nexgen Ceramic Spray has really caught our attention. This is a product we believe everyone should have on hand.
To learn even more about different companies selling ceramic sprays, be sure to check out our full ceramic coating rankings. In these, we compare the most important factors across all major brands.
Below are a few notes and highlights from some of our favorite products. You’ll also find the three brands that rank highest in terms of longevity, strength, customer service, and value.
It’s never too soon to start using a ceramic coating of any type on your car, truck, motorcycle, ATV, Razor, 4-wheeler, or any other vehicle you can think of!
To be quite honest, the earlier you start using a ceramic coating, the better. Some people apply a ceramic coating the day they purchase a new car. This is actually the best way to do it!
By caring for your vehicle from the beginning, you’ll prolong its exterior longevity right away. What’s more, you’ll save yourself some time since ceramic coatings help extend the time between car washes.
If you drive your car a lot, live in an area with lots of smog, sun, rain, or any harsh conditions, then we recommend applying a ceramic coating ASAP.
Think of it like this:what is the point of walking around outside when it’s raining holding a closed umbrella? Do you wait 5 minutes under pouring rain and then open your umbrella, or do you open it right when you step outside? If you protect yourself from the rain immediately, why wouldn’t you do the same for your car?
People often ask, “what time of year should I use ceramic coating?” Well, you don’t want to apply ceramic coating in direct sunlight or when it is too hot. You want to get this done when weather conditions are mild.
Since ceramic coating creates an extra layer of protection, take that knowledge and use it LITERALLY! You protect your skin from the sun in the summer, right? You protect yourself from rain in the spring and snow in the winter, right? So, do the same for your car! Do yourself and your car a favor by being proactive instead of reactive.
In terms of when to actually apply a ceramic coating or spray, experts recommend starting the process in the morning. This allows your car to cool down from any driving or use from the day before. Then when you are finished, let it sit overnight and apply any touch-ups the next morning.
It’s also a best practice to let your car sit for a few days if possible before jumping back on the road. If you don’t have a few days, then it’s not the biggest deal. Only know waiting a bit will extend the life of your new ceramic coating.
At best, a high-quality wax will last you, at a maximum, 2 months. The length of time right there is enough to show you that ceramic coating is better than wax.
Wax basically just sits on the surface of your car. It doesn’t bond to the paint as ceramic coatings do and also needs to be applied much more frequently than ceramic coating.
For best results, you’d have to reapply wax every 4-6 weeks. This means you’d be waxing your car up to 12 times a year instead of about max 4 times our favorite ceramic spray, Nexgen.
Wax is most often used if you are wanting to show off your car short term, like a photoshoot, car show, etc. On the other hand, a ceramic coating is in it for the long haul and is meant to help protect your vehicle from everyday wear and tear.
The process of applying wax can end up taking you longer than applying a ceramic coat to your car. Not only do you need to wash your vehicle, dry it and prep it. After applying the wax you are going to need to buff if. And I mean BUFF IT. You are going to put way more muscle into this than applying a ceramic coating.
The strength, longevity and value of a DIY ceramic coating really knock wax out of the ballpark.
You can, but what is the reason to do it? If you are going to do this anyway, it’s best to apply the ceramic coating, give it a day or two to cure, and then add the wax on top of it.
The issue here is that the hydrophobic layer will be affected. And then, the wax will also have a hard time sticking to the clear layer you just applied to your vehicle.
There’s really no need to apply wax on top of your ceramic coat. If you put wax under a ceramic coating, then you are basically wasting your time. If you take the time to use the clay bar before application, then you are already doing yourself a HUGE favor.
Wax and ceramic coating are two different products, used for two different reasons, so it’s best to just keep them apart!
Let’s get one thing straight regarding what ceramic coating is supposed to do for your car. Ceramic coating is not going to make your car invincible. Before you add ceramic coating, dirt, pollen and other pollutants will gather into all of the tiny pores of your vehicle’s surface. De resultaten? You need to wash your car ASAP.
Ceramic coating will prevent that from happening. Aka:less washing! It will protect your car from UV-Rays, small scratches, chemical pollutants, and will add a layer of gloss to the surface. However, ceramic coating isn’t going to protect against rock chips, swirl marks left behind by automatic car washes, or serious scratches.
Since a ceramic coating provides that extra layer of protection, it may help prevent more serious scratches from happening, but won’t stop them from happening altogether.
Rocks don’t hit your car slow and soft. Generally, when a rock is coming at your car, it’s flying off the tire of a vehicle in front of you. This means it’s traveling with speed and force. If rock chips are your main concern, then there are some additional products you can look into as well.
The answer here is yes and no. Your vehicle stands a better chance of defending itself against scratches with ceramic coating than it does without it. Ceramic coating can help protect against minor scratches, but won’t save you from someone keying your car.
This is a common misconception with ceramic coatings. Ceramic coatings help water to roll off of the surface of your vehicle by creating a water beading. However, there are areas of your car that are harder for water drops to roll off of. Thank gravity for that!
You might be thinking, so then what’s the point? Ceramic coating will help protect your vehicle from the chemicals and dirt that are sitting in those areas. If you notice any on your car, it’s important to remove the water spots from your car as soon as you can.
Like scratches, the answer is yes and no. Light swirl marks can be prevented with ceramic coating, but harsh ones don’t. Do yourself a favor and avoid automatic car washes for this exact reason!
Wondering what is the main thing to do when applying ceramic coating and helping it last?
Ceramic coating maintenance is a very important factor when trying to make your ceramic coating last for as long as possible. Having a ceramic coating on your vehicle will definitely cut down the time required to maintain your vehicle. It will also reduce the number of washes needed.
If you notice any droppings on your car, whether it be from rain, a tree, a bird, or who knows what else, it’s best to take care of it sooner rather than later. It will be much easier to clean that up right away rather than just before applying ceramic spray. The good news is it will take you far less time to clean your car after a ceramic coating is applied.
You’ll be truly amazed at how your car’s paint will be protected by this additional clear coat!
To maintain your vehicle’s ceramic coating, it’s best to wash your car out of the sun and heat. Also, avoid using any abrasive materials, just like when you originally applied it. Be sure to use quality wash products to extend the life of your ceramic coating. If you are using a spray, you can touch it up as needed. Microfiber cloths will also help collect any dust that may settle on the surface.
If you are out of town and need a wash, we recommend going to a full-service, hand car wash, as opposed to an automatic one. Automatic washes can cause damage such as swirls marks and scratches, and trust us, that’s the last thing you want to worry about.
Whether you have your ceramic coating done by a professional, or choose to do it yourself, it’s best to not wash your car for at least 7 days. Ideally, wait two weeks after applying your ceramic coating. After that, to help avoid any contaminants piling up on your car, it’s best to wash your car every two weeks.
As we have said a few times, do everything you can to avoid washing your car in the sunlight and out of any extreme temperatures.
The two-bucket-method for washing your vehicle is also important. If you are not familiar with this, the two-bucket-method is this – Use one bucket for soaking your microfiber cloth, wash mitt or whatever your preferred washing tool is. Then, use the second bucket to clean your washing tool after using it on a particular section or panel of your car.
There are plenty of videos out there to help you with this if you have any questions! We recommend using a high-quality wash product for your vehicle. You really don’t need to use any products with additional components. Just a good quality car wash soap will do the trick.
Since your wheels are arguably the dirtiest part of your car, wash them separate from it, otherwise you are just wasting your precious time.
Although it will definitely take a while for you to notice any changes in your ceramic coating, continuous exposure to harsh elements such as UV rays, tree sap, etc. will begin to take a toll on your vehicle. One of the first things you’ll notice is that the glossy, wet-looking shine will eventually start to fade. The more you neglect your car and put off washing it, the faster this will happen.
Another common result of improper maintenance will be the loss of the hydrophobic capabilities. Aka water, dirt and other elements will no longer fall off your vehicle on their own.
Remember how we talked about how the surface of your car is similar to pores on your face? Ceramic coating closes those pores. But, as your vehicle gets sabotaged by harmful UV rays as well as dirt, tree sap, water and more, that protective layer begins to thin. In the end, those pores will start to clog again, directly affecting the hydrophobic properties of your coating. In short, do yourself a favor and maintain your car to protect your investment!
All good things must come to an end, right? Well, as with most things, if you do your research ahead of time it will be a lot easier, more effective, and you’ll avoid doing any damage to your vehicle! That is, if you take the time to remove your ceramic coating the right way.
The question remains, why do you want to remove your ceramic coating? Generally, people remove their ceramic coating so that they can apply a new one. This is likely going to be about 3 years after the initial application if you followed our maintenance steps.
Any time you are removing something, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look at the product you applied and see if there are specific removal instructions. This applies to any type of coating that you put on your vehicle. If there aren’t instructions given by the manufacturer, have no fear, we are going to break it down for you.
Remember the clay bar that you used before applying your ceramic coating? Guess what, you can also use a clay bar to remove it. Since your ceramic coating has had lots of time to wear off, it has had time to thin. So you won’t have to put a whole lot of muscle into it.
Have you noticed that almost every step has started with washing your car? Well guess what? Same goes for removing your ceramic coating. If you start the removal process by washing your car with a wax-stripping wash, then the coating will come off even easier.
After washing, it’s the time to use the clay bar treatment that we just discussed. You’ll be doing exactly what you did to apply the ceramic coating. So, it’s basically muscle memory at this point, right?
Once done with the clay bar, simply rinse your vehicle thoroughly. And then, use your microfiber towels to completely dry your vehicle. Your car is now basically prepped to add a new ceramic coating!
This is an easy one! Nowadays, most people turn to the internet for purchases and the same goes for ceramic coating products. On the list of ceramic sprays we’ve reviewed for you, you’ll find links to the products’ websites that will assist you in purchasing a ceramic spray.
The same goes for DIY kits! You can also buy many ceramic coatings and sprays on Amazon, just be wary of who you are ordering from. Some ceramic sprays are exclusively sold on Amazon which helps provide easy, fast shipping.
You can also find ceramic sprays and coating at your local hardware and automotive stores. Hell! You can even find them at Walmart. Just remember, if you are getting a price that seems too good to be true, be wary of that product. Luckily, you have our reviews to help you out!
What is this question? You bet it is! Ceramic coating will help provide the best line of defense against daily wear and tear on your vehicle’s surface. It is definitely worth the price and will help you protect your investment.
Again, why spend tens of thousands of dollars on something and then not take care of it? Ceramic coating is going to protect your car better than waxes and other sealants.
For the low cost of $19.99 for Nexgen Ceramic Spray, it’s pretty hard to make an argument against when using a ceramic spray. You can’t do any harm by adding a ceramic coating and it’s really not hard to do! Especially with so many step-by-step guides and YouTube videos out there.
Ceramic coating is 100% worth it and will help keep your car looking its best!
Why spend money every few weeks to have your car washed? Why waste your own time washing your car?
Whether you chose from our favorite ceramic sprays or decide to go for a full-on DIY kit, you are only helping your investment, and prolonging the life of your vehicle’s exterior.
If you enjoyed our post on what is ceramic coating for cars and are determined to try it out, remember to check out our reviews of many different ceramic sprays before purchasing one!