Top autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in 50 staten van Amerika 2021
De beste autoreparatiewerkplaats kiezen het verzorgen van uw onderhoudsbehoeften of reparaties is voor veel mensen een ontmoedigende taak. Autoreparatiewerkplaatsen hebben niet de beste reputatie gehad.
Als ze u niet overladen, raden ze onnodige reparaties aan. Sommigen zullen uw voertuig zelfs niet op tijd repareren, waardoor uw leven wordt verstoord. Een auto is niet alleen een belangrijk bezit; het helpt ons ook om naar het werk, vergaderingen en andere afspraken te gaan. We hebben een lijst opgesteld met de beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in de Verenigde Staten.
Zoals je snel uit deze lijst zult ontdekken, zijn de beste garages die met ervaren monteurs, die al een tijdje in bedrijf zijn en effectief communiceren met hun klanten.
Enkele andere factoren die top autogarages lijken te hebben, zijn Automotive Service Excellence-certificering voor de winkel en de monteurs. ASE-certificering is de gouden standaard in deze branche.
Ze hebben goede recensies van sites zoals BBB, Yelp en Angie's list. Garanties en garanties voor onderdelen en arbeid zijn belangrijk omdat ze u de gemoedsrust geven dat als er iets misgaat, de garage het zal repareren.
Top autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in 50 staten van Amerika 2021
Als je een monteur bent en je wilt dat je winkel in deze lijst wordt opgenomen, aarzel dan niet om je winkel HIER in te dienen
Navigeer naar uw staat om de dichtstbijzijnde winkels te vinden:
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
1 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Alabama
2 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Alaska
3 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Arizona
4 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Arkansas
5 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Californië
6 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Colorado
7 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Connecticut
8 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Delaware
9 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Florida
10 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Georgië
11 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Hawaï
12 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Idaho
13 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Illinois
14 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Indiana
15 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Iowa
16 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Kansas
17 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Kentucky
18 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Louisiana
19 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Maine
20 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in Maryland
21 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Massachusetts
22 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Michigan
23 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Minnesota
24 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Mississippi
25 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Missouri
26 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Montana
27 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Nebraska
28 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Nevada
29 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in New Hampshire
30 beste autoreparatiewerkplaatsen in New Jersey
31 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in New Mexico
32 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in New York
33 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Noord-Carolina
34 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in North Dakota
35 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Ohio
36 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Oklahoma
37 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Oregon
38 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Pennsylvania
39 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Rhode Island
40 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in South Carolina
41 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in South Dakota
42 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Tennessee
43 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Texas
44 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Utah
45 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Vermont
46 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Virginia
47 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Washington
48 Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in West Virginia
49 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Wisconsin
50 beste autoreparatiewerkplaats in Wyoming
Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Alabama
Alabama Auto Service CenterDaphne28160 Highway 98251-626-0002MechanicalB&D AutomotiveSouth Robertsdale22345 C Highway 59251-947-4400MechanicalCobb Automotive and Tyre CenterOxford1724 Highway 21 South256-835-7505MechanischMoore Brothers Automotive LLCMontevallo3919 Highway 25205-665-1099Mc-banden-Go-StreetF. 5129MechanicalBodiford's AutomotiveMobile105 Border Circle East 251-342-5020 MechanicalTAG AutomotiveHuntsville110, 8th Street Northwest256-539-0471MechanicalRob'e Mans Automotive ServiceHomewood2600 18th Street South205-518-9511MechanicalMcGugin Auto RepairMobile251043-17van41Mechanische Ave334-500-4327Mechanisch
Windham banden en autoreparatie
Locatie :5455 Hwy 280 S. Birmingham, AL
Website :
Motordiagnose en prestatiecontrole
Bandenservice, TPMS en wieluitlijning
Inspectie en reparatie van starter, laadsysteem en accusysteem
Smeerolie en filter vervangen
As reparatie
Inspectie, reparatie en vervanging van riemen en slangen
Reparatie van elektronische systemen aan boord
Reparatie uitlaatsysteem
Waarom kiezen voor Windham Tyre &Auto Repair?
Bescheiden familiebedrijf dat persoonlijke service biedt
Meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in autoreparatie en -onderhoud
Samenwerken met de beste merken, waaronder Michelin, BF Goodrich, NITTO, General Tyres, enz.
Heeft kortingsbonnen voor klanten om geld te besparen
Sledge's Body Shop
Locatie :2828 Jordan Lane NW, Huntsville, AL
Website :
Reparatie van aanrijdingsschade
Waarom kiezen voor Sledge's Body Shop?
Gespecialiseerde diensten aanbieden in reparatie- en verfklussen
Heb een 24-uurs sleepdienst
Geef gratis schattingen van de kosten voor beschadigde auto's
Klanten voorzien van wekelijkse rapporten over de voortgang van de reparatie
Geef beperkte levenslange garanties op arbeid en materialen
Paul's Automotive Inc.
Locatie :7740 Highland Ave. Mobile, AL
Motordiagnose, reparatie en vervanging
Geautomatiseerde diagnose
Inspectie en reparatie/vervanging van transmissie, riemen, slangen, emissiesysteem, ophanging, remmen, homokinetische assen, airconditioning, enz.
Autoreparatie en afstellingen
Preventief onderhoud
Reparatie van elektrische systemen
Batterij vervangen
Waarom kiezen voor Paul's Automotive Inc.?
Heeft een pendeldienst voor klanten
Bedient alle soorten voertuigen, binnen- en buitenland
Biedt gratis tips en advies voor het behoud van een goede autogezondheid
Bied financiering voor 12 maanden aan met goedkeuring
Gray's banden- en servicecentrum
Locatie: 5840 East Shirley Lane Montgomery, AL
Website :
Motordiagnose, prestatiecontrole en reparatie
Reparatie dieselmotor
Inspectie en reparatie van remmen, transmissie, besturing, ophanging, uitlaatsysteem, koelsysteem, as, homokineet en aandrijfas
Inspectie en reparatie van vierwielaandrijving
Preventief onderhoud
Differentiële reparatie
Wieluitlijning en bandenservice
Waarom kiezen voor Gray's Tyre &Service Center?
Huurt alleen ASE Master Certified-technici aan
Heeft meerdere winkels in Alabama
Het is ook een volwaardige winkel voor banden
Heeft verschillende speciale aanbiedingen, vooral op banden
Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Alaska
Deans Automotive ServiceAnchorage1131 E 7th Ave907-276-5731MechanicalCPR Automotive LLCAnchorage1341 Bragaw Street907-277-2886MechanicalBerkley Automotive Mobile Mechanic ServicesWasilla1825 N Silver Pond Cir #1907-315-7453MechanicalAlignment Center en Alaska Car &Truck Anchorage100 E 51st Ave373907 Anchorage411 W. Tudor Road855-311-6510MechanischWasilla Family Auto LLCWasilla2300 North Wasilla Fishhook Road907-373-1948MechanischEdmonds Import AutoPalmer1880 Glenn Hwy855-277-2119MechanicalAftershock Automotive LLCHomer3245 East End Road907-235-2700Mechanical StreetFair14banks333line 907-235-2700Mechanical StreetFair14banks33388858585 Ave(855) 815-1733Mechanisch
Amerikaanse banden en auto's
Locatie :832 E 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK
Website :
Check Engine Light en motorservice
Geautomatiseerde diagnose
Onderhoud koelsysteem
30k, 60k en 90k gepland onderhoud
Wiel balanceren
Olie verversen
Elektrische service
Inspectie en reparatie van ophanging, schokbrekers, veerpoten, transmissie, radiator, CV, aandrijfas, enz.
Waarom kiezen voor American Tire &Auto?
Bied financiering aan voor autoservices
ALLE autoservices zijn beschikbaar bij American Tire &Auto
Behandel alle soorten voertuigen, inclusief vrachtwagens
Heb 5 winkellocaties in Fairbanks en Anchorage
Geef gratis offertes voor reparatiewerkzaamheden (kan online worden aangevraagd)
Big O's Automotive
Locatie :2401 E 4th Ave. Anchorage, AK
Website :
Motordiagnose en reparatie
Differentiële diensten
Geautomatiseerde uitlijning van 2 en 4 wielen
Reparatie en vervanging van stuurcomponenten
Transmissie reparatie
Waarom kiezen voor Big O's Automotive?
Veel ervaring. Is in gebruik sinds 1977
Lokaal eigendom van en geëxploiteerd. Gemaakt om te voldoen aan de behoeften van inwoners van Anchorage
Biedt complete autoservice
Heeft kortingen voor verschillende groepen, waaronder militaire kortingen, seniorenkortingen, studentenkortingen, enz.
Heeft 12 technici die ASE-gecertificeerd zijn en samen meer dan 200 jaar ervaring hebben
Pakketten hebben voor wagenparken (in het geval van bedrijfsvoertuigen of transportbedrijven)
Laat aftermarket reparaties onder de garantie verlengen
40 jaar ervaring in reparatie en onderhoud van voertuigen
Behandel vrachtwagens en auto's
Heb speciale pakketten voor militaire mannen en vrouwen
Auto Juneau repareren
Locatie :9940 Crazy Horse Dr. Juneau, AK
Website :
Collision reparatie
Waarom kiezen voor Fix Auto Juneau?
Onafhankelijk eigendom van en geëxploiteerd ondanks lidmaatschap van de Fix Auto-winkelgroep
Gespecialiseerd in carrosserie- en verfklussen
Bied beperkte levenslange garanties op elke reparatieklus
Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Arizona
Alexander's Auto RepairPhoenix3310 E Thomas Road602-956-3781MechanischHalve prijs autoreparatiePhoenix7329 W Indian School Road623-848-1970MechanischGoede werken AutoreparatieTempe2348 E. Broadway Road480-568-4290MechanischDave's Car CareGlendale5102 W. Peoria Drive Ave602-714-1200MechanischBu Deal Auto Body ShopGlendale5511 N 51ST Ave #109602-497-3006AutoBodyAirpark Collision CenterScottsdale7333 East Butherus Drive Ste A-200480-485-9953AutoBodyArizona Collision CenterTempe215 S Industrial Drive480-668-3105AutoBodySafePro Auto GlassPhoenix2375 E Camelback Road #Autoglass480-398-22P W.Bell Road602-885-5330Auto Glas
Chandler voor woestijnauto's
Locatie :95 North Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ
Website :
30k, 60k en 90k-mijl onderhoud en service
Check Engine Light-diagnose en reparatie
Reparatie en onderhoud van de rem
Motor afstellen
A/C inspectie en reparatie
Inspectie en reparatie van brandstofsysteem
Service en reparatie van stuurbekrachtiging
Emissiecontrole en reparatie van emissiesysteem
Waarom kiezen voor Desert Car Care Chandler?
Bied een garantie van 25 maanden of 25 mijl op onderdelen en arbeid
Onderwijs en empowerment van autobezitters en chauffeurs door middel van georganiseerde gemeenschapsklinieken voor autozorg
Klanten krijgen $ 10 korting voor elke service die meer dan $ 100 kost
Zeer gerenommeerd. Is te zien geweest op abc15 Arizona, Fox 10 Phoenix, The Huffington Post, enz.
Is toegekend voor voorbeeldige diensten
Heb een beloningsprogramma voor klantenloyaliteit
Heb gratis shuttles en huurauto's
Gratis wifi, koffie en water voor klanten
Early's autoreparatie
Locatie :25 S 64th St. Mesa, AZ
Website :
Geautomatiseerde diagnose
Motorreparatie, vervanging en prestatiecontroles
A/C-diagnose en reparatie
Inspectie, reparatie en vervanging van elektrische systemen
Stuuruitlijning en reparatie
Reparatie en vervanging van uitlaat
Reparatie van rem- en anti-remsysteem
Olie verversen
30k, 60k, 90k en 120k mijl onderhoud en service
Waarom kiezen voor Early's Auto Repair?
Geef op uw verzoek een volledige onderhouds- en reparatiegeschiedenis van uw auto
Coupons zijn beschikbaar voor gratis en scherp geprijsde services
Behandel zowel binnenlandse als buitenlandse automerken
Faciliteit is erg netjes en goed onderhouden
Johnson Paul Garage
Locatie: 1800 N 35th Ave. Phoenix, AZ
Volledige systeemdiagnose
Autoreparatie en -onderhoud (inclusief airco, carburateurs, boordcomputers, enz.)
Motorcontrole en reparatie
Inspectie en reparatie van ophanging, transmissie, remmen, brandstofsysteem, enz.
Olie verversen
Reparatie van auto-elektronica
Waarom kiezen voor Johnson Paul Garage?
Lokaal eigendom van en bedient de mensen van Phoenix, AZ
Behandel alle soorten voertuigen; vrachtwagens en auto's, automaat en handgeschakeld, binnen- en buitenland
Services aanbieden in het Engels en Spaans
Zeer geprezen door hun klanten
Kan elk voertuig aan
Monsoon Automotive LLC
Locatie :1170 North Pantano Road Tucson, AZ
Website :
Volledige systeemdiagnose
Motorscan en reparatie
Transmissiecontrole en reparatie
Diagnose en reparatie van remmen, ophanging en besturing
Reparatie van elektrisch systeem
Waarom kiezen voor Monsoon Automotive?
Full-service winkel die auto's van alle merken en modellen behandelt
Repareer diesel- en benzineauto's en binnenlandse en buitenlandse merken
Bied een garantie van 2 jaar en 24k mijl
Services zijn zeer persoonlijk
Heeft ervaren technici
Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Arkansas
Seeburg Service CenterFayetteville1599 North College Ave479-316-2737MechanischKwik Kar Service CenterRogers2214 W. Walnut479-633-8863MechanischRiverdale AutomotiveConway941 Locust St501-205-8622MechanischCantrell Service CenterNorth Little Rock7601 Young Road501-758-1188MechanicalHCS Auto Repair Dakodas Place479-756-8100MechanicalTanksley's Body ShopSpringdale661 S. 40th Street 479-751-6580Auto BodyHalter's Body ShopConway702 Museum Road501-329-2741Auto CarrosserieHenry's Collision CarrosserieBryant25825 Interstate 30501-943-7596800-246812 Phoenix AFort44 Glas
Fayetteville banden en auto's
Locatie :3264 North College Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703
Website :
Geautomatiseerde diagnose
Olie verversen
Reparatie van batterijen en elektrische systemen
Reparatie van batterijen en elektrische systemen
Onderhoud koelsysteem
Reparatie en vervanging van ophanging, schokken en stutten
Transmission Service reparatie
Reparatie van banden/reparatie van lekke banden
Banden leggen en tegelrotatie
CV en aandrijfassen
Check Engine-lampje
Reparatie en onderhoud van riemen en slangen
Waarom kiezen voor Fayetteville Tire &Auto?
Hogeschoolstudenten, senioren en militaire specials bij een olieverversing wanneer ze hun kaart tonen
Specials op Bosch wisserbladen
Geldbesparende aanbiedingen op remservices
Diverse fabriekspromoties op geselecteerde banden zoals Goodyear en Bridgestone
Greg's Too
Locatie :6800 Phoenix Ave, Fort Smith, AR 72903, VS
Website :
Batterijservice en batterijen
Auto airco reparatie
Transmissiediagnose en vervanging
Schokken, veerpoten en alle ophangingsonderdelen
Volledige remservice
Volledige elektrische diagnose
Volledige vervanging en reparatie van de motor
Radiator- en koelsystemen
Reparatie en vervanging van riemen en slangen
Volledige service voor buitenlandse en binnenlandse voertuigen
Olie verversen
Controleer motorlampjes
Waarom kiezen voor Greg's Too?
Goedgekeurd door General Motor Protection Plans en geautoriseerd om verlengde garantie uit te voeren
Greg's Too is een AAA-goedgekeurd autoreparatieservicecentrum
Zeer ervaren medewerkers die niet in opdracht werken en daarom waarschijnlijk geen onnodige reparaties zullen voorstellen
Pinnacle Automotive
Locatie :1905 Hinson Loop Road Little Rock, AR 72212
Website :
Smeermiddel/Olie/ Filters vervangen
Reparatieservice voor remmen
Banden wisselen en roteren
Airconditioning Onderhoud en reparatie
Onderhoud elektrische systemen
Ruitenwisserbladen controleren en repareren
Waarom kiezen voor Pinnacle Automotive
Veteranenkorting voor alle veteranen die hun kaarten laten zien
Ron, de eigenaar van deze garage, heeft enorme ervaring en begrijpt het belang van een auto.
Garrett Tyre en Auto Center
Locatie :1010 Clayton St. Springdale, AR 72762
Website :
Motordiagnose en prestaties
As, homokineet, aandrijfasreparatie
Riemen en slangen
Smeermiddel, olie en filter vervangen
Preventief onderhoud
Bandenspanningscontrolesysteem (TPMS)
Wiel- en bandenservices
Waarom kiezen voor Garrett Tire en Auto Center?
Geavanceerde software waarmee technici foto's kunnen maken van de staat van het voertuig en deze ter transparantie naar klanten kunnen sturen
Concurrerende prijzen op banden en andere diensten
Gratis wifi en koffie terwijl je wacht
Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Californië
Haven Autoreparatiewerkplaats
Locatie:9285 9th St.Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Telefoon :(909) 481-3936
Website :
Reparatie van as, homokineet en aandrijfas
Riemen en slangen
Reparatie dieselmotor
Differentiële reparatie
Elektrische en elektronische systemen
Motordiagnose en prestaties
Reparatie uitlaatsysteem
Smeermiddel, olie en filter vervangen
Preventief onderhoud
Starten, opladen en batterijen
Stuur- en veersysteem
Bandenspanningscontrolesysteem (TPMS)
Waarom kiezen voor Haven Auto-reparatiewerkplaats
Gratis consult, Gratis lokale slepen, Gratis leenauto's.
Met maar liefst "Tom Brady" (superster) in hun team. Met de ervaringen en kennis kunnen ze meer bieden wat mensen willen tegen de meest concurrerende prijs.
Haven probeert het altijd moeiteloos, eenvoudig en transparant te maken voor de klanten door te communiceren en hen op de hoogte te houden van elke stap van de services en/of reparaties.
Diagnose en reparatie van remmen, koppeling, startdynamo, koelsysteem, distributieriem, enz.
Inspectie en reparatie van brandstofsysteem
Waarom kiezen voor banden- en servicecentra met korting?
Meer dan 40 jaar ervaring in autoverzorging
Coupons, aanbiedingen en kortingen beschikbaar voor klanten om geld te besparen
Heeft een weelderige wachtruimte waar klanten kunnen ontspannen terwijl ze wachten tot hun auto is gerepareerd
Autoverzorging van Asmar
Locatie :8621 Troy Street Spring Valley, CA
Website :
Motor stoomreiniging
Stroom schone smogcontrole
Motordiagnose en reparatie
Inspectie en reparatie van remmen, remschijven, trommelmachines en wielen
Inspectie en reparatie van batterijen, bedrading en elektrische componenten
Reparatie van airconditioningsysteem
Tune-ups en repareren van lekken
Diagnose en reparatie van ophangingen, aandrijfassen, as, stuursysteem, transmissie, brandstofsysteem, uitlaatsysteem, enz.
Waarom kiezen voor Auto Care van Asmar?
Het is een full-service winkel met complete autoverzorging
Bied een garantie van 36 maanden of 36 mijl op onderdelen en arbeid
Voertuigen worden grondig geïnspecteerd en de klant krijgt feedback om te beslissen of ze reparaties willen uitvoeren of niet
Er is een shuttleservice voor klanten
Ondersteunt ten minste 4 goede doelen in de omgeving van San Diego
Heeft speciale aanbiedingen, kortingen en coupons om geld te besparen
Alle buitenlandse autocentra
Locatie :350 N Montgomery St, San Jose, CA
Website :
Motordiagnose en reparatie
Inspectie en reparatie van remmen, transmissie, ophanging en andere systemen
Collision reparatie.
Betreft het repareren van beschadigde of kapotte deurgrepen, lichten, motoronderdelen, brillen, enz.
Bandenreparatie en wieluitlijning
Reparatie van airconditioningsysteem
Tune-ups en repareren van lekken
Waarom kiezen voor All Foreign Auto Center?
Gespecialiseerd in reparatie van BMW's, Mercedes-Benz's, Lexussen en Mini's. Dat is handig voor eigenaren van deze auto's
Meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in het vak
Behandel alle soorten diensten; van standaard reparaties tot grote reparaties en onderhoudsdiensten
Lombard autobody
Website :
Kleine diagnostiek
Remblok vervangen
Olie verversen
Filter wijzigen
Collision reparatie
Voorruit vervangen
Verf passend
Sticker schilderij
Aangepaste verfklussen
Waarom kiezen voor Lombard Autobody?
Uitstekend in carrosserie- en aanrijdingsreparatie
Bied ook voertuigonderhoud en kleine diagnostiek aan
Bieden 24-uurs sleepdiensten
Technici hebben samen meer dan 50 jaar ervaring
Top autoreparatiewerkplaats in Colorado
South Denver Auto-industrieDenver4075 East Iliff Ave720-262-9204MechanischBest Auto LongmontLongmont1840 Delaware Place Unit C720-652 7272MechanischJoe's Car &Truck RepairColorado Springs1590 York Road719-434-4084MechanischWest Highlands Auto RepairWheat Ridge5440 W 29th Ave303-433-grof Loops-312034Mechanical193-433-grof-loops-ClearSaveMechanical Automotive AutomobielColorado Springs6305 E. Platte Ave, Ste 1719-570-7212MechanicalJewell CollisionLakewood7870 W Jewell Ave303-763-5330CarrosserieHampden Auto BodyEnglewood2801 W Hampden Ave303-761-0677Auto BodyColorado Auto Body - AuroraAurora1465 Dallas Street303-361-6942Auto BodyQuick-1063 Auto GlassHenderson3055 -452-5378Autoglas
Checkpoint Automotive
Locatie :18545 E Smoky Hill Rd, Aurora, CO
Website :
Reminspectie, reparatie en vervanging
Check Engine Light-diagnose
Reparatie en vervanging van banden
Inspectie en reparatie van ophanging, transmissie, remmen, elektrische systemen, brandstofsysteem van het uitlaatsysteem, enz.
Waarom kiezen voor Checkpoint Automotive?
Onderhoud alle soorten auto's; binnen- en buitenland
Bied complete autoverzorgingsdiensten
Gold Star bekroonde winkel voor uitstekende service
Bied gratis pendeldiensten zodra u uw auto ter reparatie aanbiedt
Er zijn huurauto's beschikbaar
Klanten op de hoogte houden van de reparatievoortgang via e-mail of tekst met beeld- en videobegeleiding
Heeft een mooie lobby met leren stoelen en gratis wifi, koffie en water
Offer all types of auto services, from body works to performance tuning
Has special programs for veterans
Ray’s Automotive &Transmissions
Location :2701 Palmer Park Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO
Website :
Automotive diagnostics, analysis, and testing
Engine tune-ups, repairs, and replacements
Fixing of ignition and timing
Brake servicing, repair, and replacement
Repair of cooling systems
Inspection and repair of suspension, electrical systems, exhaust system fuel system, etc.
Repair and replacement of transmission. New transmission “built” on site
Why Choose Ray’s Automotive &Transmissions?
Free diagnostics for transmission system
Transmission repair comes with 2-year/24k mile warranty
Offer comprehensive vehicle repair services
Mechanics are ASE certified
Urban Autocare
Location :1701 High St. Denver, CO
Website :
Automotive diagnostics
Comprehensive inspections
Oil service
A/C system repair
Wheel alignment and tires
Brake pads and rotors
Repair and replacement of transmission, brakes, timing belts, clutch, radiator, water pump, etc
Windshield replacement
Pre-purchase inspection
Wheel refinishing
Key replacement
Why Choose Urban Autocare?
They have plenty of tires to choose from
Offer personalized services
Mechanics and technicians are ASE certified and of Master level
Free shuttle service for customers
Labor and parts come with warranties
Top Auto Repair Shop In Connecticut
Ceglarz Motor Repair &Sales, Inc.New Britain581 West Main Street860-224-3532MechanicalDuddie Automotive Sales &ServiceMeriden1030 Broad Street203-440-1260MechanicalGeneral Muffler &Auto SupplyAnsonia670 Main Street203-735-6406MechanicalGlass America-Branford, CTBranford77 Main Street877-745-2774Auto GlassPalumbo's Automotive UnlimitedGuilford1099 Boston Post Road203-453-1788MechanicalPlymouth Glass and MirrorThomaston142 E. Main Street860-283-0276Auto GlassPortland AutomotivePortland131 Marlborough Street860-920-5560MechanicalRay’s Automotive IncWaterbury1704 Baldwin Street203-439-4259MechanicalRoggi's Auto ServiceHartford278 Hudson Street860-200-3480MechanicalTown Line Auto BodyMonroe781 Main Street203-268-5307Auto Body
M K Auto Body Inc.
Location :332 Hanover St Bridgeport, CT 06605
Website :
Collision repair services
Full-service car repair
Paintless dent repair
Scratch removal
Windshield replacement
Bumper repair
Full frame straightening
Wheel alignment
Hail damages repair
Pre-accident sales inspection
Why Choose M K Autobody Inc.
Our technicians are ASE and I-Car specialists
Employing of latest technology to return car to factory standards
Quality work at affordable rates
Great customer service to all our customer
Forward-thinking accident management and vehicle repair
They provide preventative and rehabilitative solutions
Specialists in all body-works right from small scratches to major accident damage
High-quality service to maximize your engine life and performance
Knowledgeable mechanics and friendly sales staff
Large selection of custom and exotic wheels
Lifetime guarantee on all new tires, including free rotations, flat repair, tire pressure check, and 35-point safety inspection.
T.J.’s Autobody 2 LLC
Location :508 N Colony Rd. Wallingford, CT 06492
Website :
Collision repair
Paint less dent removal
Expert paint and body-work
Scratch and dent removal services
Professional vehicle and wheel alignment
Custom painting
Tire rotation and replacement
Auto detailing to revitalize your vehicle’s appearance
Why Choose T.J.’s Autobody 2 LLC
Affordable prices and accurate estimate
Exceptional services for business owners with a fleet of vehicles
On site detailing for customers who may have a busy schedule
We beat any state registered auto repair shop estimate
Diego’s Mechanics
Location :429 W Main St, Stamford CT 06902
Automotive repair services
Suspension services
Brake services
Electric car repair
Hybrid car repair
Tire rotation and wheel
Transmission repair
Headlight and taillight services
Air conditioning services
Muffler and exhaust services
Smog checks
Why Choose Diego’s Mechanics?
Provision of prompt results with fair price
Quality parts and equipment
Highly trained and certified technicians ensuring excellent workmanship
Top Auto Repair Shop In Delaware
ASAP AutomotiveBear807 Pulaski Highway302-444-8659MechanicalAuto Glass FittersMiddletown108 Patriot Dr Suite C302-376-4333Auto GlassBenchmark TransmissionDover718 S Governors Ave856-678-6011MechanicalBuckley’s Auto CareWilmington1604 E. Newport Pike302-907-9570MechanicalDelaware Auto GlassNewark810 Pencader Dr302-709-2300Auto GlassDempsey's Service CenterNewark9 Mill Park Court302-239-4996MechanicalDiamond Town Tire ProsMiddletown5221 Summit Bridge Road302-464-1077MechanicalEverest Auto RepairNewark690 Kirkwood Highway302-737-8424MechanicalFurr's Tire ServiceDover1251 S Bay Road302-678-0800MechanicalKing's Tire &LubeMilford955 Bay Road302-422-6522MechanicalKirkwood Auto CenterWilmington4913 Kirkwood Highway302-357-3731MechanicalPaul Campanella's Pike Creek AutomotiveWilmington2379 Limestone Road302-304-3341MechanicalWillis Automotive of MiddletownSmyrna2707 S DuPont Blvd302-223-5843Mechanical
Benchmark Transmission
Location :718 S Governors Ave, Dover, DE 19904
Website :
Complete transmission rebuilds
Rear differential rebuilds and repairs
Transfer case repairs
Transmission problem diagnosis
Foreign and domestic clutch assemblies
Why Choose Benchmark Transmission
Military discount available
Experts in transmission from rebuilding to repair and even replacement with over 36 years of experience
Willis Automotive of Middletown
Location :2707 S DuPont Blvd Smyrna DE 19977 US
Website :
Collision repair
Major and minor auto repair service
Multi-point vehicle inspection
Oil change
Brake repair service
Vehicle battery service
Comprehensive detailing
Why Choose Willis Automotive of Middletown?
Fee estimates using the latest CCC estimating software
The rental car is provided upon insurance approval and professional handling of all claims
Computerized paint matching to get exact dealer paint
Regular customer updates on the repair progress, technician are I-Car trained and certified
Military discount to active duty, reservist, National Guard, and veterans within three years of discharge
First responders discount to eligible people on eligible vehicles
Buckley’s Auto Care
Location :1604 E. NEWPORT PIKE WILMINGTON, DE 19804
Website :
Child car seat inspections, fittings, and installations
Special needs safety needs
Seat belt extenders
Manufacturers service intervals
Brake repair and maintenance
Check engine light
Engine diagnostics
Engine replacement
Wheel alignments
Tire services
Shocks and struts repair and replacement
Fan belts replacement and repair
Preventative Maintenance Service
Oil changes
Vehicle up-fitting services
Why Choose Buckley’s Auto Care?
Towing and shuttle services available to customers
Experts in child and special needs safety needs including inspection and fittings
Buckley’s auto care is a referral center for many hospitals and other centers
Top Auto Repair Shop In Florida
Balado National TireMiami1633 NW 27th Ave305-635-9001MechanicalCupelli AutomotiveGreenacres4511 1/2 Lake Worth Rd561-963-9744MechanicalDrive Line Service of JacksonvilleJacksonville200 Lane Avenue North800-348-3915MechanicalJJ’s Auto CareJacksonville11630 Beach Blvd904-572-0305MechanicalLeasure AutomotiveBrandon2015 Town Center Blvd813-684-1553MechanicalLloyd’s Of Shelton Auto GlassNorth Port1090 Innovation Avenue Unit A-101855-458-8490Auto GlassMike's Auto Body &RepairOrlando412 N John Young Pkwy407-843-8135Auto BodyMTJ Paint &Body ShopMiami4510 NW 32nd Ave.305-632-1914Auto BodyOrlandoAuto Glass DocOrlando6250 Edgewater Dr877-494-5277Auto GlassPremier Auto Service CenterCape Coral3916 Chiquita Blvd. S.239-471-4674MechanicalSteves Auto Glass ServiceSeminole11285 66th Terrace727-432-9898Auto GlassTommy's Auto ServicePetersburg2643 22nd Avenue North St.727-323-1444MechanicalTrubey Auto RepairTavares29325 County Road 561352-343-6510MechanicalTuffy JacksonvilleJacksonville14026 Beach Blvd904-441-6657Mechanical
Tommy’s Auto Service
Location :2643 22nd Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713
Website :
Air conditioning repair and maintenance
Fuel system maintenance and repair
Brake repair and maintenance
Belts repair
Check engine light diagnosis
Electrical system maintenance /repair
Steering system maintenance/repair
Suspension system repair
Transmission system repair
Batteries maintenance /repair
Vehicles inspection
Computer diagnostics
Why Choose Tommy’s Auto Service?
Existing in operation since 1951, Tommy Auto service has been known for quality radiator repair and general car care
Being an AAA approved and ASE certified auto service center means safety and quality are guaranteed
Convenient for customers in the St Petersburg region
Courtesy ride service to home and work while our technicians work on your car
For customers waiting for their vehicle, a comfortable waiting lobby with TV WIFI, auto magazines, and dailies
Drive Line Service of Jacksonville
Location :200 Lane Avenue North Jacksonville, FL 32254
Website :
Classic car restoration
Fleet maintenance
Driveshaft manufacturer and repair
Customized shaft
Complete shaft assemblies
U joint replacement
CV assemblies rebuilt
Differential rebuilding modification
Ratio changes
Axle replacement
Limited-slip installations
Why Choose Drive Line Service of Jacksonville
They specialize in shaft and driveline repair and maintenance, making them experts in addition to many years of experience
High tech equipment to properly diagnose driveline and shaft issues
Superb workmanship and use of premium materials
Balado National Tire
Location :1633 NW 27th Ave, Miami, FL 33125
Website :
Preventative maintenance
Brake repair
Steering and suspension system repair
Tire purchase and installation
Tire repair
Wheel alignment
Oil and air filter change
Spring check u
Computerized wheel balancing
Why Choose Balado National Tire?
Many years of experience in tires since 1949 gaining a reputation for quality products and services
Highly qualified mechanics who employ highly sophisticated equipment and parts for repairs
Competitively priced tires from all the industry-leading brands
Well trained staff highly skilled in sale and installation of passenger car, performance and light truck and SUV tires
Top Auto Repair Shop In Georgia
A Plus Windshield Repair and Headlight RestorationAtlanta267 Oxford Place404-829-2710Auto GlassAdvantage Auto ServiceMarietta1775 Cobb Parkway S770-268-2892Mechanicalatc Auto Center – AugustaAugusta1853 Gordon HWY706-738-7812MechanicalBavarian Body WorksAtlanta1491 Howell Mill Rd404-476-3900Auto BodyBraxton AutomotiveAtlanta1604 Howell Mill RD404-367-4767MechanicalEuropean &Domestic Auto CareAtlanta1903 Piedmont Cir NE404-228-3512MechanicalEuropean Auto Repair ShopAtlanta3900 North Peachtree Rd470-349-8135MechanicalGerber Collision &GlassNewnan24 Amlajack Blvd770-251-1418Auto BodyRJ's Auto Body PlusMarietta2022 Airport Court770-955-5020Auto BodyTanner’s Service Center Inc.Dublin746 Central Dr478-272-6352MechanicalTeam Ryan AutomotiveBuford2959 S. Waterworks Road678-765-7926MechanicalTire Master Service CenterColumbus600 Veterans Parkway706-268-9025MechanicalTRUE AutomotiveLawrenceville880 Cripple Creek Drive706-268-9025Mechanical
atc Auto Center – Augusta
Location :1853 Gordon HWY, Augusta, GA
Website :
Engine service
A/C and cooling system repair
Differential service
Wheel alignment
Brake repair
Clutch repair
Transmission repair
Oil change
Fuel system repair
Vehicle inspection
Preventive repair
Replacement of wiper blades
Replacement of timing belts
Tire service
Repair of electrical systems
Why Choose atc Auto Center?
Every repair or service work comes with a warranty on labor and parts
Has fleet service for multiple business vehicles
Provides advice and car care tips
Shuttle services for customers
Always keep customers updated on progress
European &Domestic Auto Care
Location :1903 Piedmont Cir NE, Atlanta, GA
Website :
Complete car diagnostics
Engine check, repair, and replacement
Oil change
Battery testing and changing
Inspection and repair of transmission, brakes, suspension, electrical systems, drive train, belts, and hoses
A/C service
Why Choose European &Domestic Auto Care?
Over 20 years of experience in auto service and maintenance
Offer complete auto care services
Staff consists of professional mechanics
Handle domestic as well as European car brand=
Tanner’s Service Center Inc.
Location :746 Central Dr. Dublin, GA
Website :
Computerized diagnostics
Engine service
A/C service and repair
Wheel alignment and balancing
Inspection and repair of brake, CV, drive axle, transmission, suspension, cooling system, etc.
Oil changes
Fixing of radiator
Why Choose Tanner’s Service Center?
Provides quotes to help customers budget
Has 24-hour towing service
Services include all mechanical repairs and engine works
Handles all types of vehicles, from cars to minivans and even trucks
Locally owned auto shop with personalized services
Has wide selection of tires for those looking to replace worn-out tires
Tire Master Service Center
Location :600 Veterans Parkway, Columbus, GA
Website :
Computerized diagnostics
Minor auto repair
Brake services
A/C repair
Wheel alignment and balancing
Power steering flush
Cooling system service
Driveline service
Repair of alternator, shocks, and struts
Battery testing and replacement
Fuel/air induction cleanup
Why Choose Tire Master Service Center?
Family-owned business that offers personalized service
Parts and labor come with 24-month/24k mile warranty
Has coupons for customers to use in saving money
Company has extensive experience. It has been operational since 1963
Top Auto Repair Shop In Hawaii
Aiea Auto RepairAiea98-025 Hekaha St808-201-7272MechanicalChika Nakano Repair ShopHilo90 Pookela StreetMechanicalChung's Alignment &Auto ServiceHonolulu1015 Dillingham Blvd #101808-744-8692MechanicalFantastik Auto RepairHonolulu 2031 Colburn Street808-842-3777MechanicalHokama Auto RepairPearl City1011 Lehua Avenue808-456-5500MechanicalK.W. Auto Body LLC.Honolulu2885 Ualena Street 808-839-9887Auto BodyMaster Auto CenterWailuku635 Eluene Pl808-870-7070MechanicalMC Auto Body &PaintHonolulu2122 Kaliawa St808-847-7772Auto BodyPrecision Auto RepairKailua Kona74-5622 Alapa St., Bay # 3808-329-7223MechanicalStarkey's Auto RepairHonolulu1336 Dillingham Blvd Suite F808-721-3315MechanicalT&T TintingHonolulu1014 Kawaiahao Street808-596 8468Auto BodyUNIBODY AutotechHonolulu999 Waimanu St.808-592-5000Auto BodyWaipio Auto RepairWaipahu94-547 Ukee St #312808-676-2886MechanicalWestside Fender/Body &RefinishingWaipahu94-221 Leonui Street808-677-5112Mechanical
Chika Nakano Repair Shop
Location :90 Pookela St, Hilo, HI 96720, USA
Brake Repair and Maintenance eService
Transmission and Drivetrain repair
Transmission Fluid replacement
Transmission Replacement
Suspension Service/Repair
Steering Service/Repair
Steering Fluid Service
General Repairs
Auto Maintenance
Electrical Service/Repair
Muffler service
Front end services
Oil changes
Scheduled maintenance
Pre safety and safety check
Why Choose Chika Nakano Repair Shop?
Reliable mechanics dedicated to customer satisfaction and high-quality work
Highly skilled and certified technicians
Excellent customer service
Fantastik Auto Repair
Location :2031 Colburn Street Honolulu, HI 96819
Website :
Brake inspections and repair
Transmission maintenance and repair
Car upgrades
Engine repairs
Electrical systems repair and maintenance
Why Choose Fantastik Auto Repair?
A one-stop shop for all auto issues, including maintenance, diagnostics, repair, upgrades, and changes
Fast service but highly effective to ensure clients get back their vehicles in the shortest time
Evening and weekend hours’ availability
Experienced in all makes and models of vehicles, including domestic and foreign
ASE certified technicians
All service works will have a 1 year/1200-mile warranty
Free written estimates
Hokama Auto Repair
Location :1011 Lehua Avenue Pearl City, HI 96782
Website :
Lube and Oil changes
Engine Repair
Electrical systems repair/replacements
Smog/Emissions testing
Exhaust/System repair
A/C system check and repair
Suspension system repair/maintenance
Radiator System repair
Brakes repair
Transmission system repair/maintenance
Tire Inspection
Wheel Alignment
Towing services
Why Choose Hokama Auto Repair?
Hokama Auto repair shop has served the Leeward area for over 35 years providing expert auto and light truck repairs
Free services such as online auto maintenance schedules
Friendly reminders of when your vehicle is due for service
Accurate estimates before any works are undertaken
Master Auto Center
Location :635 Eluene Pl, Wailuku, HI 96793
Website :
Wheel and tire services
Custom rim and tire services
Used tires services
Diagnose and check engine lights
Air-conditioning system maintenance
A.C. system evacuation and recharge
Belt tensioners
Valve adjustments
Belt and hose replacement
Timing belt replacement
Wheel bearings
Water pump replacement
Why Choose Master Auto Center?
Financing available from Acima Financial for tire services and auto repairs
Senior citizens, military, students, and fleet discount on tire services
Option to buy used tires for your vehicle which are more budget-friendly and environmentally friendly
Used tires trade-in service, which is not available in many garages. You can get a reasonable price for your old tires if they are in a resalable condition
Top Auto Repair Shop In Idaho
4×4 ShopCaldwell1210 Holman Ct208-459-8469MechanicalAll Auto RepairNampa617 North Barger St208-989-7871MechanicalC&S Auto RepairIdaho Falls2435 East Iona Rd208-524-2770MechanicalDowdy’s AutomotiveBoise3183 S. Federal Way208-342-3651MechanicalDriven Automotive MeridianMeridian1850 E. Franklin Road208-888-7464MechanicalErmal's Auto BodyIdaho Falls471 College St.208-529-1665Auto BodyHeritage Auto RepairMeridian175 N Linder Rd844-750-0459MechanicalNaylor's Auto RepairBoise7451 Lemhi St.208-343-0732MechanicalOswald Service and RepairIdaho Falls725 Yellowstone Ave208-516-1718MechanicalPlantation TuneTech Auto Services Center Boise 6550 West State Street208-314-3265MechanicalTunex Complete Car CareIdaho Falls1150 Lincoln Rd855-998-8639MechanicalWhit's Auto RepairNampa807 3rd Street208-465-0603Mechanical
Plantation TuneTech Auto Services Center
Location :6550 West State Street, Boise, ID 83714
Website :
Inspections and diagnostics
Pre-purchase inspection
Oil change
Cooling system repair
Drivetrain repair
Air Condition repair
Lights repair/replacement
Clutches repair and service
Emission/smog check
Fuel system service
Suspension system repair
Steering system repair
Check engine light diagnosis
Engine repair
Timing belts repair
Why Choose Plantation TuneTech Auto Services Center?
Complimentary coolant checks to qualifying customers
All parts used are equal or exceed the original manufacturer’s parts
All services offered to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty
24 month/24000 miles’ warranty on parts and labor
Local shuttle bus available for work and home
Free WIFI/coffee/soda/water in the waiting lobby
4×4 Shop
Location :1210 Holman Ct, Caldwell, ID 83605
Website :
2-Wheel/4-Wheel alignment
Air Conditioning service
All Vehicle Maintenance
Alternator repair/replacement
Brakes repair
Check Engine Light diagnosis
Custom Machining
CV and Drive Axle Repair
Drivetrain repair
Electrical repair
Emission Testing
Engine Rebuilds
Front and Rear Differentials check
Fuel Injection Service
Oil Changes
Power Steering repair
Starter check and repair
Suspension Repair
Timing Belts replacement
Tire services
Towing services
Trailer Hitches
Transmission system repair
Why Choose 4×4 Shop?
Honest, professional services backed by a free, fair estimate for all auto repair needs
Locally owned and operated an automotive repair shop
Certified technicians with over 75 years of combined experience
The auto repair shop is a member of both the Better Business Bureau and the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce.
Heritage Auto Repair
Location :175 N Linder Rd, Meridian, ID 83642
Website :
Preventative maintenance services
Transmission services installation and repair
Heating and Air conditioner repair
Mechanical repair
Electrical, wiring, and electronic services
Fleet management services
Exhaust services
Factory scheduled maintenance
Timing belt replacement
Spark plug replacement
Air filter, fuel filter, and cabin replacement
Purchase inspections
Brake and anti-lock braking repair
Manual and automatic transmission repair
Driveline repair and maintenance
Clutch repair and maintenance
Engine repair and replacement
Power steering repairs
Computer Diagnostics
Check Engine Light
Why Choose Heritage Auto Repair?
New customers get a 25% discount on labor on their first repair
Free warning light scan
Customers are entitled to the NAPA peace of mind extended warranty on qualifying parts and labor
Tony, a mechanic here, has been awarded the NAPA/ASE Technician of the year award amongst other recognitions
The business gives back to the community by giving free oil changes and inspections to veterans and active servicemen. The same service has been extended to single mothers
Nampa Auto Repair
Location :300 1st Ave North, Nampa, ID 83687
Website :
Engine Repair
Large Truck &R.V. Repair
A.C. Service
Oil Changes &Tune-Ups
Brakes &Alignments
Diagnostics &Scheduled Maintenance
Why Choose Nampa Auto Repair?
Free towing service for major repairs backed by a 24-hour dispatch center
Nampa Auto service has 10 light duty, medium duty, and service trucks for towing all variety of vehicles and equipment
Highly skilled, trained, and certified mechanics diagnose all auto problems with meticulous attention to detail
30-day warranty on all-wheel alignments
Service warranty with a guarantee of 12 months/12,000 miles that covers parts, labor, and towing
90-day warranty on labor when installing engine and transmission
Top Auto Repair Shop In Illinois
B &L Automotive RepairsChicago3830 North Kedzie773-463-1622MechanicalEuropean Auto LTDChicago2547 N. Lincoln Ave.773-348-5440MechanicalFull Circle Auto ServiceO'Fallon510 S. Lincoln Ave.618-624-2272MechanicalGrand &Cicero ServiceChicago4800 W Grand Ave773-889-1878MechanicalLast Chance Auto RepairPlainfield12052 S Naper Plainfield Road815-577-0327MechanicalMaximum AutomotiveNaperville1580 West Ogden Ave. Unit 560630-357-5525MechanicalRomeoville49 W Norman town RdMechanicalMidwest Performance CarsChicago2105 West Fulton St312-432-9492MechanicalNorthlake Auto RepairNorthlake385 E. North Ave.708-338-3920MechanicalQadiBody Auto CollisionBridgeview9018 South Oketo Avenue708-904-9428Auto BodyReal Autohaus AutomotiveWestmont6145 S Cass Ave630-241-7220MechanicalThom's Four Wheel DriveChicago4118 N. Pulaski Road773-825-5073MechanicalTJ’s Auto Center Inc.Rockford 3427 E State St815-399-2886Mechanical
Northlake Auto Repair
Location :Northlake Auto Repair, Quick Lube and U-Haul, 385 E. North Ave., Northlake, IL 60164
Website :
Preventative maintenance
Pre-trip inspection
Oil and filter change
Engine repair/change
Belts and hoses repair
Drivability check
Lubrication services
Radiator and transmission flush and repair service
Timing belt replacement
Tire services and sales
Batteries change
Brake repairs
Wheel alignment
Air conditioning service
Electrical system service
Exhaust system repair
Failed emission testing
Fleet repair
Why Choose Northlake Auto Repair?
The shop is ASE certified, licensed, bonded, and a member of the AAA Chicago motor club
Free vehicle pick-up for scheduled repairs
Qualified technicians providing quality parts and premiere vehicle repair services at an affordable price
All repair work on a doe on time, on budget and is guaranteed
European Auto LTD
Location :2547 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60614
Website :
Scheduled service
Engine repairs
Brake repair
Check engine malfunction light diagnosis
Classic and European cars restoration
Suspension upgrade
Engine rebuild
Bumper re-chrome
Why Choose European Auto LTD?
The customer gets honest advice regarding any work that is needed on the vehicle
Simple answers and quick problem solving that offer value for money
Experts in most European and classics cars. Services specialized on include restoration and rebuild
The uniquely experienced expert working in this garage has all the trade secrets and tricks that will diagnose your rare classic car
If any part cannot be found, our experienced craftsmen will fabricate or replace it with a different one to ensure your classic car remains on the road
TJ’s Auto Center Inc.
Location :3427 E State St Rockford, IL 61108
Website :
4×4 repair and maintenance
Electrical and electronic services maintenance
Wheel Alignment and tire services
Brakes repair and maintenance,
Engine &Transmission repair and maintenance
Quick Lube Services
Fleet services,
Heating and cooling system maintenance
Towing &Recovery services
Undercar Services
Why Choose TJ’s Auto Center Inc.?
High tech diagnostic equipment that guarantees our mechanics correctly diagnose and service your vehicle correctly
All repair work is guaranteed by the TechNet auto service center nationwide warranty. The warranty covers most repairs and parts from 24 months/24000 miles, whichever comes first
Mechanics carry out all repair work without voiding your vehicle’s warranty
Mickey’s Tire &Service Center
Location :49 W Norman town Rd Romeoville, IL 60446
Tire services and sales
Filter, lube, and oil change
Heating and coolant systems repair
Mufflers and exhaust system repair
Steering and suspension system repair
Starting and charging system repair
Shocks and struts repair
Preventative maintenance
Timing belt replacement
Wheel alignment
Computerized engine diagnostics
Engine repair
Headlamps and bulbs replacement
Brake system repair
Air conditioning system repair
Wiper blades repair
Why Choose Mickey’s Tire &Service Center?
Overnight drop off services available
Wi-Fi in the waiting lounges
Complementary check and fill tire air pressure with any service
Complementary check and top off fluids with any service
Courtesy shuttle service while we work on your vehicle
Free rotation and mounting service with a tire purchase
All our mechanics are ASE certified technicians
Top Auto Repair Shop In Indiana
A &A Tire and Auto Service Indianapolis2603 Lafayette Rd317-925-5330MechanicalAmerican Brake and MufflerGary3102 W. Ridge Road219-980-5600MechanicalBorkowski Collision Repair Inc.Indianapolis10395 Hague Rd.317-841-8330MechanicalCaliber CollisionAvon55 Vista Pkwy.317-272-2048MechanicalCar-X Tire and AutoWestfield17501 Gunther Blvd317-896-1315MechanicalCars PlusHighland9619 Indianapolis Blvd.219-924-2258MechanicalDiamond Collision ServicesAvon292 S County Rd 800 E317-272-6820MechanicalEuro MotorworksIndianapolis7314 E. 90th Street317-593-9415MechanicalReeder’s Auto Service CenterPortage6436 Central Avenue219-763-1782MechanicalRick’s Auto ServiceMishawaka405 W. Jefferson Blvd574-401-8013Auto BodyRuss Moore Transmission SpecialistFort Wayne1121 W Coliseum Blvd260-482-9414MechanicalThe Muffler &Auto ExpressEvansville2100 S Weinbach Ave812-473-0670MechanicalVeldman’s Service CenterSouth Bend5222 W. Western Ave574-287-7236MechanicalYeoman Service CenterFort Wayne540 E Pettit Ave260-888-3474 Mechanisch
The Muffler &Auto Express
Location :2100 S Weinbach Ave Evansville, IN 47714
Brake repair
Automobile diagnostics service
Automotive tune-up service
Body repair and painting
Exhaust and muffler repair services
Custom dual exhaust installation
Why Choose the Muffler &Auto Express?
Lifetime warranty on brake service for labor and parts
Russ Moore Transmission Specialist
Location :Fort Wayne, IN
Transmission repair services
Manual truck transmissions to an automatic system
Automatic and manual transmissions conversion
Wholesale remanufactured transmissions
Performance transmissions
Why Choose Russ Moore Transmission Specialist?
Specialists in remanufacturing and repairing transmission systems both manual and automatic
Specialists in truck conversion from manual to automatic transmission
More than 50 transmission specialists employed in this garage have superior skills and technical know-how to accurately diagnose and carry out transmission repairs
State of the art diagnostic and troubleshooting equipment for late-model vehicles
36 months/75,000-mile warranty on all parts and labor for every remanufactured transmission
Borkowski Collision Repair Inc.
Location :10395 Hague Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46256
Website :
Wheel alignments
Radiator services
Steering and suspension system repair
Engine repairs
Hail damage repair
Auto glass repair/replacement
Paintless dent repair
Why Choose Borkowski Collision Inc.?
Lifetime guarantee on workmanship and paint used as long as you own the vehicle
Free estimates before any repair work is done
Rental car arrangements while we service your car
The owner, Borkowski, or his brother Dan is always in the garage to address any issue, or query customers may be having
Veldman’s Service Center
Location :5222 W. Western Ave South Bend, IN 46619
Website :
Oil changes
Exhaust system repair
Check engine light diagnosis
New and used tire sales
Brake repair and replacement
Cooling system repair
Transmission system repair
Engine diagnostics repair
Air conditioning service
Wheel alignment
Why Choose Veldman’s Service Center?
AAA approved auto repair shop
Automotive Service excellence certified shop
Veldman’s Service Center is a NAPA center
An attractive incentive to enterprise fleet managers
ASE certified mechanics
Free shuttle service to home, work, and to the mall
Free tire rotations and repairs for life of the tire
Top Auto Repair Shop In Iowa
B &L Transmission Inc.
Location :120 Jacolyn Dr NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405
Fully licensed and insured auto repair shop, family-owned and operated. They are a member of BBB and WDM chamber
Acheson Auto Sales-Service works with all major insurance companies
All services are guaranteed
Technicians have more than 100 years of combined experience providing expert services
Alignment Specialists
Location :1704 11th St. • Sioux City, IA 51101
Website :
Wheel alignment
Brake repair
Steering and suspension system
Tire services
Tire pressure monitoring system
Starting, charging, and batteries
Lube oil and filter change
Preventative maintenance
Engine diagnostics and performance
Electrical and electrical systems repair
Nitrogen tire inflation
Differential, axle, CV joint, and driveshaft repair
Why Choose Alignment Specialists?
You can get all major and leading tire brands such as Goodyear, Bridgestone, and Cooper
Our state of the art technologies ensures improved tire performance and life
Overnight key drop service
Specialists in wheel alignment of autos, truck, trailers,
Relaxing waiting area with free WIFI
Top Auto Repair Shop In Kansas
Harris Auto Repair
Location :811 E 23rd St. Lawrence, KS 66046
Website :
Transmission repair/overhauls
Battery replacements
Computer wheel alignment
Oil changes
Oil and fluid leak repairs
Tire rotation and repair
Brake repair
Custom exhaust systems
Tire repairs (patching) or new tire
Tire sales and installation
Nitrogen filling services
Why Choose Harris Auto Repair?
Family owned and operated business providing auto repair services to families at an affordable rate
Great customer service and quality work
Highly skilled, experienced, and ASE certified technicians
Able Auto Service
Location; Kansas City, KS
Website :
Heating/AC check and repair
Engine diagnostics and repair
Shocks and struts
Auto glass repair and replacement
Alternators/batteries repair/replacement
Mufflers/exhaust system repair
Oil changes
Brake repair service
Alignment and suspension repair system
Why Choose Able Auto Service
Free battery test and charging
10% off any repair above $150 upon presentation of coupon
Free exhaust inspection
Price match guarantee
Free brake inspection with every tire rotation
Free steering and suspension
Riley’s Full Service Auto Repair
Location :10640 Metcalf Overland Park, KS 66212 (1/2 block north of 435 on the west side of Metcalf)
Website :
Scheduled maintenance
Brake repair
Fluid exchange
Computer diagnostics
Safety &Emissions Inspections
Warning light
Transmission service
Windshield wiper blades repair
Tire and wheel services
Driveline Maintenance &Repair
Axle Replacement
Differential Service &Repair
Clutch Repair &Replacement
Power Accessory Repair
Part replacements
Heating and AC system repair
Towing services
Why Choose Riley’s Full Service Auto Repair
Bound by the strict code of ethics expected at a NAPA AutoCare
Quality NAPA parts and high-quality service as well as the NAPA warranty
ASE certified technicians handle all the repair and service work
Extended hours of operation each day, including working on weekends
Auto Image Inc.
Location :7215 E Harry St Wichita, KS 67207
Website :
Collision repair
Paintless dent removal
Auto window tinting
Interior and exterior trim
Seats and door panels installation
Bulletproof cosmetic and protective coating
Vehicle detailing
Paint correction services
Change lights appearance service
Why Choose Auto Image Inc.?
Deductible assistance offered to collision repair depending on the damage
Free estimate to customers with or without insurance
Over 20 years of experience in auto painting works
A courtesy vehicle is provided for qualifying services
Vehicle enhancements specialists
Top Auto Repair Shop In Kentucky
Louisville Brake &Muffler
Location :3510 Dixie Hwy, Shively, KY 40216, USA
Auto Repair &Service
Automobile Parts &Supplies
Automobile Repairing &Service-Equipment Supplies,
Brake Repair, Brake Service Equipment,
Mufflers &Exhaust Systems
Why Choose Louisville Brake &Muffler
Experienced and certified technicians
Free estimates
Tech-Tune Inc. Auto Service Center
Location :Bowling Green, KY
Website :
Computerized Diagnostics
Drive-Thru Oil Change
Brake repair service
Wheel Alignments
Steering and suspension system repair
Shocks and struts repair
Engine Repair
Air Conditioner Repair
Transmission Service
Coolant Flush
Why Choose Tech-Tune Inc. Auto Service Center?
Being a NAPA center, our services are guaranteed under the NAPA peace of mind warranty
Technicians working here are ASE certified and have many years of experience
Honest family business
Drive through oil changes ensures you don’t have to spend more time than is needed at our garage
Save money with the Loyalty reward point program on future repairs and service
McCarty’s Towing &Auto Repair Inc.
Location :Owensboro, KY
Towing services
Oil and filter changes
Engine repair
Automatic and manual transmission repair
Complete AC repair
Minor and major truck/trailer repair
Electrical and electronic systems diagnostics
Brakes and suspension maintenance/repair
Hydraulic systems repair
Battery testing/replacement
Brake chamber repair
Airbag repair
Why Choose McCarty’s Towing &Auto Repair Inc.?
Roadside assistance service will get you back on your wheels quickly. Whether it is a battery problem or a flat tire, our technicians will be on hand to help
27/7 365 towing assistance for any stalled vehicle or I case you are involved in an accident
Latest diagnostics equipment and tools to help our ASE certified technicians accurately diagnose and carry out repairs
Top Auto Repair Shop In Louisiana
Mitey Automotive Center
Location :3530 Jefferson Highway Jefferson, LA 70121
Wheel Alignments
Brakes repair and service
Complete Diagnostics and Repair
Custom Muffler and Exhaust Services
CV Joints servicing
Electrical Systems repair and maintenance
Engine Cooling Systems
Fuel Pumps repair
Tire replacement, sales, and rotations
Why Choose Mitey Automotive Center?
Our highly experienced and skilled mechanics are ASE certified and NAPA auto-care specialists
NAPA peace of mind warranty that is honored in thousands of garages countrywide
Family owned and operated businesses offering high-quality services at a fair price
Monthly specials where customers get various auto care discounts
Free estimates
LA Transmission Service
Location :5660 Plank Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70805
Website :
Transmission diagnostics and inspections
Automatic and manual transmission repairs
Transmission rebuilds
Domestic and imported transmissions
4*4 transmission service
Differentials repair
Driveline repair
Axle repair
Transfer cases repair/replacement
Transmission fluid replacement
Clutch Repair/replacement
Transmission Repairs
Transmission Maintenance
RV and specialty transmission Work
Oil changes
Fleet maintenance and repair services
Why Choose LA Transmission Service?
In operation since 1975, providing quality auto care
Specialists in transmission work. Not all garages offer transmission services, and even some that do are not specialized in it.
LA transmission service will offer the full range of transmission repairs, scheduled service, and rebuild
Doug’s Paint &Body Shop
Location :7819 Highway 1 Shreveport, LA 71107
Website :
Collision repair services
Frame straightening
Hail damage repair
Paintless dent repair
Aluminum body repair services
Auto glass replacement
Computerized wheel alignments
Scheduled maintenance services
Brake repair and maintenance
Suspension services
Battery repair/replacement
Engine repairs
Tire repair, installation balancing, and rotation services
Air conditioning services
Towing services
Why Choose Doug’s Paint &Body Shop?
Shuttle services available while your vehicle is worked on
Doug’s shop is certified by many vehicle manufactures for collision repairs and is a member of the Assured performance center
After hours drop off and towing services available
Written Lifetime guarantee of works carried out in our garage
We handle insurance claims
I-Car Gold Class highly trained repair professionals
Luke’s Paint &Body
Location :6879 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA 70503
Repairs and mechanic services are done by highly skilled and qualified technicians who are well equipped with the latest diagnostic and repair equipment
Paulin’s Tire &Auto Care has a long-standing reputation in the area we serve
Triangle Service Center Inc.
Location :61 Lincoln St. Lewiston, ME 04240
Website :
Oil, filter, and lube change
Brakes and repair
Tire services
State inspections
Preventative maintenance
Collision repair
Why Choose Triangle Service Center Inc.?
High-quality service and competitive prices make customers troop to this garage
Honest and affordable Auto services
Auto Radiator Service
Location :568 Hammond St. Bangor, ME 04401
Website :
Oil changes
Electrical systems repair and maintenance
Fuel injector and carburetor service
Belt inspection and replacements
Tire rotations
A.C. repair
Engine light diagnostics
Cooling system flushes and repairs
Mechanical tune-ups
Suspension, Shocks, and struts repair
Remote key starters
Keyless entry
Power windows and doors
Back up sensors
Back up cameras
Sound system installation
Why Choose Auto Radiator Service?
10% of A.C. tune-up
50 years of Auto repair service makes us highly experienced and skilled in our trade
Our specialty services ensure you enjoy owning your car by enhancing conveniences such as remote start and car heating on cold mornings
Bonneau’s Garage
Location :298 Park Street Lewiston, ME 04240
Website :
Electrical diagnosis and repair
Computerized diagnostic
Brake and exhaust repairs
Oil change
Suspension and steering repairs
Engine repair and rebuild
Fuel injector cleaning
Why Choose Bonneau’s Garage?
Very honest service, if they can’t perform any service, they’ll happily recommend another garage
President and vice president are members of the Association of Automotive Service providers and Automotive Service excellence as well as the Service Technicians Society
The garage is a member of the Better Business Bureau
Sullivan Tire &Auto Service
Location :47 Bangor Mall Boulevard Bangor, ME 04401
Website :
Wheel alignments
Tire rotations
Belts and hoses service and repair
Brake fluid exchange
Automatic fluid transmission fluid exchange
Comprehensive vehicle inspection
Coolant fluid exchange
Computer diagnostics
Exhaust repair and emissions testing
Headlight restoration
Power steering fluid exchange
Timing belt service and maintenance
Wiper blade service
Why Choose Sullivan Tire &Auto Service?
Family-owned business in operation since 1955 with generations of satisfied customers
Nationwide warranty with Goodyear tires
Price match guarantee on all brand name tires. If you find a better price, we will beat it
Over 100 master ASE technicians and 30 advanced engine performance technicians to cater to all customer needs
Top Auto Repair Shop In Maryland
Brentwood Automotive
Location :1035 West 41st Street Baltimore, MD 21211
Website :
Brake repair
Vehicle inspection
Lube oil and filter change
Exhaust system repair
Wheel alignment
Climate control system maintenance and repair
Cooling system repair
Axle, CV Joint, Driveshaft Repair
Electrical and Electronic Systems
Differential Repair
Four Wheel Drive System inspection and repair
Computerized Engine Diagnostics and Performance check
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Steering and Suspension System
Starting, Charging &Batteries check and replacement
Why choose Brentwood Automotive?
ASE certified master technicians who handle European, Asian, or domestic vehicles.
Use of modern state of the art diagnostic equipment
They use only the highest quality original parts.
Guarantee of 12 months or 12000 miles on all our parts
Environmentally-friendly services.
Aggressive recycling and modern fluid recovery systems.
Quick turnaround times with best price
Auto Tech
Location :2455 Hudson Street Annapolis, MD 21401
Website :
Pre-purchase vehicle inspection
Diagnostic analysis
Oil change service
Engine Tune-Ups
Exhaust Installation and Repair
Computerized Wheel Alignment
Tire Pressure Monitoring Services
Steering and Suspension Services
Electronic Diagnosis and Scanning
Heating and Air Conditioning Services
Brake Line and Anti-Lock Brake Services
Brake Analysis
Cooling Systems maintenance
Fuel Injection Service
Transmission &Driveline Fluid Services
Timing and Serpentine Belt Replacement
Tire Rotation, Mounting, Balancing and Repair
30, 60, and 90K Scheduled Maintenance
Why Choose Auto Tech?
Complimentary 30-point vehicle check
Experienced technicians who handle all vehicles, domestic and import
They ensure customers understand the services they require in clear, non-technical terms
Military, senior citizen, AAA, customer loyalty, and community service discounts available
WIFI access, coffee, and television in our waiting lounges as you wait for our mechanics to fix your car
Repairs are supported by a lifetime guarantee
Different packages for repair jobs to take care of varying budgets, all with warranties
The garage works with all major insurance companies to coordinate for all repairs
River City Auto &Transmission Inc.
Location :4020 Remembrance Rd Walker, MI 49534
Website :
Transmission Services
Car &Truck Care
Electrical Services
Heating and Cooling Services
Electronic Services
Engine Maintenance
Engine &Transmission
Undercar Services
General Services
Miscellaneous Services
Preventative maintenance
Why Choose River City Auto &Transmission Inc.?
All parts and service are guaranteed under the North American warranty
Technicians are highly experienced, and ASE certified
High tech diagnostic equipment that guarantees all repairs and services are properly carried out first time
Highest quality replacement parts, oil, filters, and components
Showcase Collision &Auto Repair
Location :6330 E 14 Mile Rd, Warren, MI 48092
Website :
Body and Collision Repair
Complete Restoration
Minor and Major Collision Repair
Frame Straightening and Replacement
Windshield / Glass Replacement
Paintless Dent Repair
Minor Scratch / Panel Painting
Dings and Dents
Hail and Storm Damage
Minor Rust Repair
Complete Vehicle Refinishing
Computerized Color Matching
Claims Assistance
Theft / Vandalism Damage
Mobile Estimating
Wheel alignment
Tire rotation
Why Choose Showcase Collision &Auto Repair
The owner of this family-owned business ensures all collision and repair works are done properly the first time, and technicians follow and 18-point checklist
The garage handles all insurance paperwork and follow-through
Garage owner ensures all customers understand the working of their vehicle as well as all repair work being done
Fairway Engine Exchange
Location :43560 Utica Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48314
Website :
Cylinder head repairs
Cracked aluminum heads repair
Engine rebuild and repair
Professional engine inspection
Remanufactured and used engines installation
Towing services
Why Choose Fairway Engine Exchange?
Three-year unlimited mile warranty on most engines
Free towing services available for inoperable vehicles to our shops for eligible customers
Exchanges engines available for marine, auto, and truck
More than 55 years in service selling to our valued customers who include auto repair shops
Bronson Tire &Auto Services
Location :13941 W. Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, Michigan 48235
Website :
High-performance window tinting
Remote car starter and alarms
Car logo customization
Brake Repair &Service
Transmission Work
Oil Change &Lube Service
Emergency Repairs
Vehicle graphics
Tinting and customization
Why Choose Bronson’s Auto Repair?
Exquisite customization and graphics works on most models of vehicles
Car starter package with convenient features such as keyless entry, alarm, heated seats, and smartphone integration
Added security systems make insurance cheaper and hence overall savings
Nick, owner and lead mechanic at Nelson’s Auto Repair Service, with more than 10 years of experience in the automotive industry, can solve any of your car’s problems in the most efficient and effective ways.
Nelson’s Automotive is a locally-owned auto repair shop, consisting of professional dedicated specialists. The Minneapolis and Twin Cities Communities are very important to Nelson’s Auto Repair, and they give back by giving discounted and limited free services to help ease financial worries.
Victory Auto Service &Glass
Location and phone number:
Brooklyn Park, MN(763) 315-0630Chanhassen, MN(952) 358-3535Duluth:4th St Auto Repair By Victory, MN(218) 724-8090Fridley, MN(763) 786-6920Ham Lake, MN(763) 780-1002Maplewood, MN(651) 403-5958Wyoming, MN(651) 462-1946Mobile Auto Glass, MN(763)-786-8716Eau Claire, WI(715) 834-8711Saint Petersburg, FL(727) 822-0278
Services :
Oil changes
Auto glass repair
Transmission repair
Car batteries
Why Choose Victory Auto Service &Glass
Jeff Matt, the founder of Victory Auto Service &Glass, had worked as an automotive technician before opening the shop 24 years ago. With decades of experience, they can handle all auto problems in the most efficient ways.
Transparent inspections &invoices, competitive prices have helped them to thrive in the auto community.
9 branches and the Mobile Auto Glass services for your convenience
Parkway Auto Care
Location :1581 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN 55116
Website :
Computer diagnostics
Wheel alignment service
Engine repair
Smog and emission testing
Tire services
Exhaust system repair
Electrical system repair
Brake repair service
Oil change and other scheduled maintenance services
Transmission repair
Fuel injection service
Power steering service
Clutch repair
Cooling system flush
Air conditioning system repair
Wiper blades repair
Lights replacement
Belts and hoses replacement
Suspension and shock repair
Preventative maintenance
Why Choose Parkway Auto Care?
Qualified and ASE certified technicians are at hand to handle and answer your auto care needs
Latest diagnostic and repair technology for both domestic and imported vehicles
Enjoy the benefits of an established national entity NAPA) with the touch of a family-owned and operated business
NAPA national warranty on qualifying parts and labor offers peace of mind whenever you travel
Free towing service with any major repair service within 15 miles
Extended national warranties on a wide range of services and parts
A member of the Better Business Bureau, AutoCare Association, and ATRA
St Louis Hills Auto
Location :8517 Gravois Rd., Affton, MO 63123
Website :
State inspections both emissions and safety
Wheel alignments
Tire sales, installation, and rotation
Computerized diagnostics
Towing and wrecker services
Brake repair services
Check engine light
Axle, CV joint, and driveshaft repair
Climate control systems maintenance and repair
Differential repair
Belts and hoses
Cooling systems
Exhaust system repair
Four-wheel drive systems maintenance and repair
Auto glass repair and replace
Roadside assistance
Transmission services
Why Choose St Louis Hills Auto?
Repair financing with a fast, flexible, and affordable loan
Shop equipped with the latest diagnostic technology and equipment
Competitive prices on tire brands
Quality repair services backed by accurate diagnostics
Free Wi-Free and coffee in a comfortable waiting room
Shuttle service available
Scott’s Sunshine Automotive
Location :2754 W Sunshine St Springfield, MO 65807
Website :
Brake Service and Repair
Clutch Repairs &Replacement
Computerized Wheel and Frame Alignments
Drive Train Repair
Inspection services- state, pre-purchase, and used vehicle
Air Conditioning Recharge Service
Towing Services
Airbag and SRS Systems
Belt and Hoses Replacement
Wiper Blade Replacement
Check Engine Light Diagnostics
Complete Tuning
Engine Repair
Preventative maintenance
Power Steering Fluid Exchange Service
Timing belt replacement
Transmission service
Headlight replacement
Why Choose Scott’s Sunshine Automotive
3 years/100,000 miles warranty on transmission and engines
12 months/12,000 miles warranty on repairs and parts
Online scheduling of appointments
24-hour vehicle drop off service
Highly personalized service that addresses your specific problem
Susquehanna Auto Clinic
Location :18200 E US Hwy 24 Independence, MO 64056
Suspension repair and service
Brake repair
Engine repair
Maintenance and electrical diagnostics
Heating and Air conditioning service
Electrical and electronic systems diagnostics
Transmission repair
Fleet solutions
Emissions testing
Windshield replacement
Auto glass installation
Inspection services
Why Choose Susquehanna Auto Clinic?
Being a NAPA service center, qualifying repairs and parts are guaranteed under the NAPA national warranty that is honored in more than 13,000 auto service centers nationally
ASE certified center and mechanics
Money-saving specials frequently available to customers
Top Auto Repair Shop In Montana
Top Tech Automotive
Location :70 25th St W Billings, Montana 59102
Website :
Brake repair service
Clutch Repair/replacement
Differentials repair
Cooling system repair
Belts and hoses replacement
Drivetrain repair
Exhaust system repair
Engine diagnosis and repair
Filters and fluids replacement
Tire repair services
Collision repair
Auto paint services
Jeep customizing and fabrication
Why Choose Top Tech Automotive?
Free inspection to diagnose check engine light issues
Top Tech Automotive services and repairs a wide range of models from different manufacturers
Cost-cutting offers, discounts, and specials
Financing for expensive repair work can be arranged
AAA approved auto service center and ASE certified
Ron’s Auto Refinishers
Location :919 Strand Ave, Missoula, MT 59801
Website :
Window tinting
Windshield replacement
Collision repair
Auto glass replacement
Auto restoration
Auto painting
Why Choose Ron’s Auto Refinishers?
Free in-depth estimates and insurance filling assistance by the collision experts
One-stop garage for collision repairs and auto window replacing after you have been involved in an accident
S &D Automotive Repair
Location :4201 2nd Ave. N. Great Falls, MT 59405
Website :
Four-wheel drive transmissions
Automatic and manual transmissions
Brakes repair and maintenance
Clutches repair and maintenance
Computerized diagnostics
Driveshaft diagnosis and repair
Major Overhaul
Exhaust system and mufflers repair
Transmission Flush
Transmission rebuilding
Why Choose S &D Automotive Repair?
A dependable and reputable business that provides honest service
Skilled and experienced mechanics ready to handle all your servicing and repair needs
B &B Auto Repair
Location :107 Commercial Drive, Suite C Bozeman, MT 59715, USA
Engine rebuilds
Brake repair
Car tune-ups
Transmission repair
Engine repair
Electrical repair services
Oil changes
Exhaust system repair
Headlight replacement
Why Choose B &B Auto Repair
Free estimates for repair work
Free pick-up and free towing services for major repairs
Free delivery of repaired vehicles
When you take your vehicles here, you can expect free and accurate quotes, accurate diagnosis, explanation of the repair process, and timely repairs.
Electrical circuits, electronics, and switches repair
Transmission &clutch service
Charging &starting systems repairs
Preventative maintenance services
Wrecker services
Why Choose Anderson AutoCare?
Free loaner vehicles (2016 Malibu Sedan) while we service your car on a pre-scheduled basis
40-point maintenance inspections done by professionals
ASE certified technicians
Free nitrogen filling with tire purchase
20% discount off new customers
Free car wash with every oil, filter, and lube change
Hillis 66, Inc.
Location :600 South Street Lincoln, NE 68502-2043
Website :
Transmission service
Complete brakes repair service
Wheel Alignment
Scheduled maintenance
Gas services
Oil, filter, and lube changes
Why Choose Hillis 66, Inc.?
Family-owned business
In operation for more than 40 years hence highly experienced
All technicians are ASE certified
Quick full-service gas pumping, windshield cleaning, and fluid top off
Blaha Service
Location :403 W Mission Ave, Bellevue, NE 68005
Website :
Fuel injector repairs
Air-conditioning services
Drive belts replacement
Pulleys and timing belts replacement
Wheel alignment
Steering rack
Shocks and struts replacement
Engine repair
Computer systems
Electrical systems repair
Exhaust system repair
Brakes repair
Suspension system repair
Clutch transmission repair
Why Choose Blaha Service?
Free estimates on all auto repair services
Highly qualified and skilled technicians
Advantage Car Care
Location :218 Kaufman Ave, Grand Island NE 68803
Website :
Battery service
Brake repair service
Clutch Repair/replacement
Scheduled maintenance
Computerized diagnostics
Electrical and electronics diagnosis and repair
Engine repair
Oil, lube, and filter change
Shocks and struts repair
State inspections
Suspension repair
Driveshaft repair
Why Choose Advantage Car Care?
NAPA service center offering all the benefits of the national entity and the NAPA warranty
Licensed and insure auto center
Advantage car is an ASE certified center
Top Auto Repair Shop In Nevada
D.I. Auto Service
Location: 4263 Boulder Hwy. Las Vegas, NV
Computerized car diagnostics
Engine rebuild
Brake inspection and service
Transmission inspection, service, and rebuild
Tune-ups and body-work
Full-service electrical repair
A/C recharge
Oil change
Repair of car electronic systems
Complete auto maintenance service
Why Choose D.I. Auto Service?
Diagnostics, brake inspection, and transmission inspection are completely free
Service and maintenance options range from minor repairs to full-service. They have custom packages for 30,000 miles, 60,000 miles and 90, 000 miles
Cover gasoline as well as diesel vehicles. That includes cars, light trucks, and heavy trucks
Free towing for every car repaired at D.I. Auto Service
Car repair estimates are generated free of charge
Financing available for customers who can’t cover the full amount
Up to 24-month warranty
Rebel Automotive
Location :975 American Pacific Dr, Ste 103, Henderson, NV
Website :
A/C repair
Engine repair
Transmission repair
Tire repair and wheel alignment
Inspection and repair of brakes, brake pads, and rotors
Inspection and repair of axles and struts
Tune-ups and body-works
Smog check and diagnosis of emissions system
Battery maintenance
Oil change
Repair of car electronic systems
Why Choose Rebel Automotive?
Coupons and special offers on select services like an oil change
Outstanding hospitality. There’s a free arcade for registered Rebel members and a professional suit for business professionals and college students
Towing services available from any location to shop
Shuttle service available from shop to your house
Multiple means of payment accepted, including credit card, cash, and financing
Up to 12 months warranty in case of a 12,000-mile service
Point system allows customers to accrue and later redeem point
The Auto Clinic &Mill St. Tire
Location: 3180 Mill St. Ste. C Reno, NV
Website :
Car diagnostics
Minor and major car repairs
Auto maintenance service
Battery management and replacement
Pre-purchase inspection
Tire repair and wheel alignment
Why Choose The Auto Clinic &Mill St. Tire?
Offer minor and major repairs as well as full auto service
24-month warranty on 12,000-mile service
Coupons, discounts, and special offers available to customers
Specialists in Asian imports but also service and maintain domestic brands, including Ford, GM, Chevy, JEEP, etc.
Over 40 years of experience in auto repair and maintenance
Brake Masters – Full Service Auto Repair
Location :4620 West Craig Rd. North Las Vegas, NV
Website :
Car diagnostics
Engine repair
Lube, oil change, and filter
Repair of A/C and heating systems
Repair of belts and hoses
Brake inspection and repair
Inspection and repair of CV boots and axles
Battery management
Inspection and repair of starter and alternator
Inspection and repair of shock
Why Choose Brake Masters?
Full-service auto repair shop. They can handle any problem your car may be having
Diagnose, repair, and maintain all brands of cars; domestic and foreign
Brake Masters have multiple auto repair centers in Albuquerque, El Paso, Las Vegas, Northern Arizona, Phoenix, Tucson, Sacramento, and South California
Discounts available on various services, including oil service, computerized alignment, brake replacement, etc.
AAA members, senior citizens, and military personnel discounts
Uses the latest technology to analyze the problem and offer alternative solutions
Repairs all makes and models, including domestic and import vehicles
Offers quality services that clients can count on
Cornerstone Auto Service
Location :1457 7th Street Parkersburg, WV 26101
Website :
Diagnostic and repair for German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and American auto
Brake repair
Drivability problems
Free auto safety inspection
Free brake check
Oil changes
SRS/airbag systems
Mechanical malfunctions
ABS anti-lock brake systems
OEM mufflers and exhaust systems
Electrical malfunctions
Steering and computer reset
Diagnostic and repair for Lexus, Land Rover, Volvo, Porsche, Mini Cooper, BMW, Audi
Repair shop for Toyota, Honda, and Acura
Why Choose Cornerstone Auto Service?
Can get aftermarket and genuine car parts at a cheaper rate than local dealers because they have direct access to car manufacturers
Have friendly service, honest and genuine technicians offering quality repairs at affordable prices
Have access to auto repair database that provides dealer-level information and enables the auto garage to perform the short cut test and confirm fixes
ASE master technicians using the latest technology to accurately diagnose and repair
South Park Service Center
Location:301 Pleasant Street Morgantown, WV 26501
State inspections
Aftermarket services
Battery services
Computer diagnostic
4WD repair
Fuel pump repairs
Air conditioning
Full synthetic royal purple
Air filter replacement
Light replacement
Alternators and starters
Motor and transmissions
Power steering
Muffler repairs and check
Axle replacement
Fluid services
Tire services
Transmission services
Fleet service
Shocks and struts
Cooling and heating system service
Electrical service
Suspension work
TPMS service and repairs
Timing belts and chains
Exhaust and emissions
Preventative maintenance
Radiator service
Why Choose South Park Service Center?
Offers full mechanic and auto repair for vehicle maintenance and inspections
knowledgeable technicians who provide excellent services
Over 30 years of experience in maintenance and repairs of major makes and models both foreign and domestic
Top Auto Repair Shop In Wisconsin
Denny’s Auto Center
Location :420 W Milwaukee St Janesville Wisconsin 53548
Website :
Brake System Repair and Service
Manual Clutch Service &Repair
Transmission Rebuild, Repair &Service
Automatic Transmission Repair
Manual Transmission Repair
4×4 Repair
Transfer Cases
Electrical Diagnosis
Standard Clutch Kit Replacement
Differential Service
Automatic Flywheel Replacement
Why Choose Denny’s Auto Center
Specialists in transmissions, both automatic and manual, will have all your service and repair issues addressed adequately. This includes 4*4, and all-wheel transmissions
One-stop-shop for transmission-related inquiries and repair, including performance transmissions for racing and off-road vehicles
Member of automatic transmissions rebuilders association. As a member of this not for profit organization, we endeavor to provide high-quality repairs and services that meet the associations’ by-laws
Miki’s Auto Inc.
Location :4385 N Green Bay Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209
Website :
Auto glass and installation
Complete theft repairs
Complete tune-ups
Exhaust replacement
Front end service
Check engine light
Engine and Transmission repair
Catalytic converters service
Cracked head block specialist
Rotors, shocks, starters, and mufflers repairs
Steering service
Timing belt replacements
Door, handles, and mirrors repairs
Why Choose Miki’s Auto Inc.?
Repairs carried out on foreign and domestic vehicles
Quality glass repairs and auto parts
Highly experienced staff
Exhaust Pros Muffler Shop
Location :3900 Monona Drive Madison, WI 53716
Website :
Exhaust repair
Auto repairs on all makes and models
Lube, oil, and filter changes
Foreign and domestic repairs
Muffler repairs
Custom pipe bending
Free inspections
Free estimates
Handles collectibles and classic cars
Why Choose Exhaust Pros Muffler Shop?
The go-to place for vehicle exhaust systems
10% discount on exhaust repairs
Free inspections and estimates
Factory-trained technicians
De Pere Auto Center
Location :705 George St. De Pere, WI 54115, USA
Website :
Car dealership
Automotive repair center
Vehicle body auto garage
All types of auto repairs
All types of maintenance
Collision repair
Frame repair
Unibody repair
Dent and scratch repair
Custom refinishing
Paintless dent removal
Why Choose De Pere Auto Center?
BBB accredited auto repair shop
Limited warranty on cars and repairs
In operation since 1976, providing excellent auto repair services in De Pere
Carl’s Machine &Service
Location :1140 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54304
Website :
Brake service and repair
Drivability diagnostics
Auto tune-up service
Transmission service
Engine repair and service
Steering and suspension
Oil change
Air condition and heating repair
Why Choose Carl’s Machine &Service
Qualified and certified technicians ready to get you back safely on the road
Excellent customer service and attention to detail in all auto repair work
Quality automotive parts and repairs at reasonable prices
Top Auto Repair Shop In Wyoming
Graber’s Diesel Repair
Location :101 Ave C Cheyenne, WY 82007
Website :
Truck repairs
Automotive repairs
Roadside services and towing
Onan parts sales and services
Air conditioning repairs
RV repair
Why Choose Graber’s Diesel Repair?
ASE certified and NAPA auto service center
Authorized Cummings Onan dealer
Financing available for new installations
Roadside assistance via a well-equipped service truck
Doyle Johnson’s, Inc.
Location:651 W Collins Dr. Casper, Wyoming 82601
Engine repairs
Front end work
Full brake services
Light replacements
Coolant services
Fluids replacement
Transmission services
Oil change and lube
Wiper blades replacement
Fuel injection services
Computer diagnostic
Hose and belts replacements
Preventative maintenance
Suspension and shock repairs
Car battery replacements
Why Choose Doyle Johnson’s, Inc.
Have qualified technicians who are equipped with specialized equipment and latest technology to offer quality services
NAPA auto center offering the NAPA peace of mind warranty honored across thousand service centers
Riegel Body Shop
Location: 1871 Washington St. Laramie, WY 82070
Website :
Collision repair
Auto body painting
Auto body frame straightening and repair
Bra’s installation
Paintless dent repair
Scratches removal
Why Choose Riegel Body Shop?
Lifetime warranty on repairs and paint job and manufacturer’s warranty on parts
Environmentally friendly water-based paint
Free loaner car services to customers without rental car coverage
Employees are highly skilled and experienced in what they do
Family owned and operated business in operation since 1976
Trusted by many insurance companies as a direct repair shop. You can expect a more streamlined estimation and repair process
Hillcrest Auto Body
Location :5266 Rourke Ave, Gillette, WY 82718
Website :
Collision repair
Auto body repair
Auto painting
Guaranteed color match
Paintless dent repair
Deer strikes
Car-O-Linear 360 frame straightening
Insurance claims
Why Choose Hillcrest Auto Body?
I-CAR Platinum and ASE certified technicians have experienced all types of automotive paint process and procedures
Free estimate on collision repair work
Guaranteed color match
It is the only one that has 360-degree frame rack in the area it operates